Monday, April 17, 2023

Language of the Mother Tree: The Singing of Trees



We knew that the roots of trees are underground networks; that they joined, entwined, fed off the stories of ol trees that finally fall.  We knew that.  What we might not have known is the, in every area of a forest gathering of trees, there is a Mother Tree.  Did you know that the Mother Tree can recognize her kin?  They do.  They send out more nutrients to those that are their kin seedlings to make sure they get the best chance at survival.  The Mother Tree passes on her genes and wants those genes to be passed on and on and on.  They are, of course MOTHER trees.  What a beautiful concept to come to understand. 

And they sing to each other.

“Skooby Laposky wants to spread the message that trees have a voice too. In so doing, he attached solar-powered biodata sonification to the leaves of several old trees in Cambridge, Massachusetts,… The performing trees are an 80-year-old beech, a honey locust, and a red oak, and you can tune in any time of day to hear their voices.

These sounds are affected by weather, reported Fast Company. After a dry spell, when the trees are more parched, they are silent. Yet, after a rain, the trees sing!”

I have never heard music/singing that struck right to the cells of my body.  I could listen to this forever.

Every stand of trees has Grandmother trees, Grandfather trees and Mother trees.  How beautiful and soul-touching... you can never ‘unhear’ the songs. 

Seedlings fall to Mother Earth and germinate and then tap into the network of old trees.  They suckle, so to speak, on the roots of the oldest tree in the stand of trees until they are able to make enough leaves to survive on their own.  I can hear the lullabies they sing in these songs.  Incredible.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.16.23


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