Thursday, April 13, 2023

Just A Few Questions: An Open Heart



Are you a hard person?  Are you an open person?  Do you have a closed heart?  Do you have an open heart? 

When your heart is open, love flows through you.  You are intuitive.  Your life flows.  Oh, yes, and it keeps you vulnerable.  Being vulnerable is the only way you can truly love or will you allow others to truly love you. 

When you have an open heart, you can forgive and know that that does not mean forgetting, but it is more.  It is you being able to knock down walls of resentment and bitterness.  Your whole life is open if you have an open heart.  You attract kindness.  You attract love.  You attract life.

With an open heart, you can feel compassion, empathy, and keep things in a balanced way.  You do not turn to others in spite when you do not receive what you think you need from them.  You are not a victim because, with an open heart, you do not disempower yourself.  You communicate thoughtfully because you are aware of the give and take, the WHY of situations rather than turn everything into “about me”. 

When you have an open heart, you respond rather than react.  You are able to access a situation, authentically, rather than turn it into an impulsive reaction that only hurts you.  And you do not draw emotional unhealthy people into your circle like a flame for moths. 

Let us be a community of sisterfriends who are vibrant, who spread love and empowerment, who evoke peace, who are truly compassionate, and who are gifts to the world.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.12.23


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