Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Reason For Seeking the Goddesses



Patriarchy relegated females to virgin, whore, mother, lover as some of the goddesses who appear due to their relationship with the gods.  But there is a difference.  The goddesses carry their personal power, and are known for their power by showing it openly or through some kind of magic or mysterious ways.  As well, there are many examples of goddesses rescuing each other, bonding with each other.  They are archetypes; 

“…Generally, the original model from which something is developed or made; in literary criticism, those images, figures, character types, settings, and story patterns that, according to the Swiss analytical psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, are universally shared by people across cultures.” – Hawaii Edu

We relate to them today because they speak to being awake and conscious in today's world with all the needs, desires, situations, that the goddesses speak to.

Goddesses are one, or all together, that we can identify with, whose strengths and powers (yes, some negative) speaks to that “quiet within” that aches for some kind of recognition and understanding, something to relate too.  The goddesses have human traits  and help us analyze our own behavior and seeking ways to call on the strengths of a particular goddess to help us get through a difficult time.

In learning about goddesses, we learn of Athena and Artemis ways of focusing our consciousness.  We draw on Artemis’ way of gathering sisterhoods together.  We relate to her helping her mother all the while rebelling against being like her.  Persephone can help us deal with some of out teenaged angst we are lugging along into adulthood.   We relate to Athena’s bookishness and how she lives inside her head.  Hera, Demeter, Persephone and Aphrodite speak to us of relationships and we can seek out ways they had to deal with difficulties that we might deal better with such. 

I am a Hestia through and through, the eternal mother, sorting things out in my head about everyday things, spiritual things, and see how she modeled such.  I am Hestia, through and through, in how I retreat home amidst chaos, to stand beside an outdoor fire (hearth).  How I get up in the night to do work that is not necessary that of home, but deals with the seat of my soul.  I bake for I believe the way to love is to feed my friends and family well.  I love doing household chores for a clean house makes me happy.  I am, truly, just a Holly Homemaker… a Hestia.

Who are you in all this.?  What goddess personality are you?  Do you know why you work like you do, why you find yourself in common circumstances, react the way you do, love who and how you do?  Ah, but the goddesses are the answer.

A few weeks ago, someone asked me outright, “And, what Goddess do you relate to the most?”  I stumbled.  I did not think I had the answer.  But, since being asked, it all fell into place.  I am a Hestia.

Who are you?

©Carol Desjarlais 4.19.23


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