Thursday, April 6, 2023

A Libre Kind of Day



Today is a Libra day full of brown and essence of sandalwood, which is one my favorites.  If I were living in Maine, I would be finding my way out to the docks to buy lobster from the lobster pound.    Today is a day of darks and lights physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  Believe it or not, this is going to show up in balance today.  Add in the Full Moon; Hare Moon, Flower Moon, Frog Moon, Seed Moon, Egg Moon, or Mating Moon. 


Today you will be called upon to be absolutely honest, socially.  Walk your talk.  Talk your walk.  You will be seen as intelligent and having intelligent conversations backed up with good knowledge. 


The scales of Libra can be representative in how you choose, but it is symbolic of doing the right thing at the right time, to be where you are supposed to be, and to keep track of time and that balance we must all attempt to attain.  There is balance between night and day and that is one of the oldest life rhythms there is on this earth.  Every time we add a manmade light, we are disrupting that balance so it is good to find a time and place to have absolute darkness. 


There were some papyrus writings found that listed sins, many more than our ten commandments.  It was thought that, at the end of life, a person could petition (almost like confession) to be allowed to come in to the highest glory.  There were 42 laws to give answer to and if the Goddess Maat deemed the person fit, the person was allowed to sit with Osiris for final acceptance or not allowed in.  I would not fair so well, methinks.  Here are some of the declarations listed:

I have not sinned.

I have not robbed nor robbed with violence.

I have killed no man or woman.

I have not stolen food nor swindled offerings.

I have not stolen from a God or Goddess nor cursed God/Goddesses, nor stolen what was theirs or destroyed their property.

I have not told lies, nor cursed, nor closed my ears to truth.

I have not committed adultery, nor seduced anyone’s partner.

I have not made anyone cry, nor not felt sorrow.

I have not assaulted anyone, been deceitful nor stolen anyone’s land, nor been violent, no disrupted peace.

I have not eavesdropped nor falsely accused anyone, or been angry without reason or been more angry than any other feeling.

I have not polluted myself nor terrorized anyone, nor disobeyed any laws.

I have not been impulsive and acted without thought.

I have not overstepped boundaries or exaggerated my words when speaking, or been arrogant or placed myself on a pedestal, nor have I been insolent.

I have not worked evil nor used evil thoughts, words or deeds, or cursed anyone.

I have not polluted water nor stolen from or disrespected the dead. 

I have not taken food from a child.


Whew, and we thought the ten commandments were tough.  Libra reminds us to not let anything become a habit.  If we have a bad habit, how about working some clay, making a tablet, writing on it a habit you would like to break, let the clay dry, then break the tablet and place it in the earth.  Deep.  Sometimes we are habitual and do not even realize that habits are things we do without thought.


Happy habit hunting so we can be in balance with the rhythms of Nature.  Let the full moon light up the way for you. 


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