Wednesday, April 26, 2023

"I T’ot I Taw A …”



We have a thought a second so no wonder we get intellectually tired by the end of the day.  No matter what we are doing, our thoughts are racing ahead of us.  It is happening below our consciousness and is like a running tickertape chattering ahead of us.

When we are focusing on the negative, we have the tsunami of negative thoughts racing in our head and we cannot even see an end goal in sight.  We are brainwashing ourselves.  And it is difficult to stop unless we know the key to turning down the volume.

We cannot make the thoughts stop no matter how we try.  It is like the commercial where it says, you tell two people and they tell two people, and on and on it doubles, triples, quadruples, etc.  without reins, thoughts can turn on you and your negative aspects can twist it to run in a negative vein. 

When you become aware of your thoughts, and a negative strand starts, STOP.  Name the true reason that thought has occurred.  Is it something unhealed?  Accept that there will always be some wound that has not quite healed or has been reopened.  Think on that wound for a time while consciously shifting it to a positive.  I have learned that all my wounds became gifts when I got into my career.  I was a blessing to others because I knew things without words they could not muster.  Find some focused distraction.  Do not lie in bed at night and let it torture you.  Get up and do something to release the emotions and get a grip.  You can rest later. 

Just know that we are only aware of a tiny fraction of thinking that is going on in our heads.  Therefore, we can only control a tiny part that is peaking and needs attention.  But it is like a leak in the dam if we do not get hold of ourselves right away. 

Think peace.  Think letting go of past we cannot change by accepting it cannot be changed and get on with changing what you can.

Much love and happy thoughts.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.26.23


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