Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The WHY of Tassels



If you think back to any early pictures, photographs, paintings, you will see tassels.  Tassels portrayed protection, power, prestige for noblemen, pharaohs, leaders and spiritual significance for priests, nuns, etc.  We have new age significance in that some use knotted tassels in prayer beads, etc. Color was and is significant in many cultures.

Purple tassels are made to symbolize wisdom and insight, intuition, luxury and ‘regal-ness’, depending on the hue of purple.  Many, in healing, use purple to help signify detoxing, inspiration, and change/transforming.

Red tassels represented/represent, warriorhood, power, passion, love, desire, energy, strength, and stimulation.

Green tassels symbolize universal love, growth, harmony, compassion, calmness, and cleansing.

Blue tassels represent/represented sacredness, inspiration, peace, faith, coolness, sincerity, and patience.

Yellow tassels symbolize/ed self-esteem, personal power, childhood, confidence, cheerfulness, and vitality.

White tassels symbolize purity, goodness, innocence, perfection, divinity.

Black tassels symbolize/ed death, mourning, secrecy or mystery, elegance, power, and prestige. 

The word ‘tassel’ comes from a Latin word meaning clasp at neck of clothing or cloth.  Tassels were used as symbols to ward off danger or evil.  Tutankhamun, in his coffin, was found to have a necklace made of tassels. 

It seems we have forgotten the uses of tassels and perhaps it is time for us to resurrect them and use them in our everyday life, creativity, etc.  I am using tassels to mark pages in books I read and in my art journal. 

How could you use tassels?

©Carol Desjarlais 12.28.22


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