Monday, December 12, 2022

Orca: Gratitude, Curiousity



“If the only prayer you say in your lifetime is thank you, it will be enough.”- unknown author

To many of the Pacific Northwest, the whale is sacred, a symbol of their good luck and abundance when they get one.  It is their food.  It symbolizes wisdom and spiritual awareness.  It symbolizes family, harmony, travel, community and protection.  It is guardian of the ocean, with seals being their slaves and dolphins being their warriors.  When a community/clan member drowns, it is said that the great whale takes them down into their home and turn them into another whale.  If, for instance, a family member was taken down, they might take down a whole canoe of their clan to be close to them.  Some clans will put on the skin of a whale in order to enter the spirit world where they can visit and communicate with those that have gone on.  Whenever an Orca is seen offshore, some believe it to be a lost one trying to communicate.  Some believe they are chiefs who have passed on. 

There is a love story that is told in one clan.  They tell the story of how white markings appeared on the black whale. 

You see, once an Orca dove out of the water and he espied an Osprey.  He fell deeply in love with that first look.  He was so in love with the Osprey that he jumped and jumped and jumped out of the water into the air to be closer to it.  The Osprey returned his love and she flew closer and closer to him as he rose into the air.  And the way things worked back then, they had a child.  The child was born black like its father and had the white markings of his mother Osprey.

The whale has great intuition and psychic abilities.  The whales make music and music is something that soothes one’s soul.  Turn some music on.  Music is healing.  Did you know that some of the first harps were made by first nations people who used whale bones to make such musical instruments because the bones had tremendous vibrational qualities. 

It is a great communicator and scientists are finding out how to decipher their language.  How are your communication skills right now?  And listen for subtle meanings of others’ languages. 

Orca are considered Protective guardians.  There are old stories of whales protecting humans that have fallen into the water.  Is that one of their relatives? 

Hold dear what is important to you.  And, be grateful for even the air that you breathe.  Bathe often.  Not just quick showers.  Bathe.  And float in the water and know the feeling a whale must feel as water caresses it.

Orcas live in a constant state of curiosity and so should we.  Find something to be curious about and research it. As I have, about the whale.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.12.22


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