Friday, December 9, 2022

Frau Holle – Hulda : Wear White and Adopt A Grandmother



Frau Holle, “Old Mother Frost”, a wise old Crone of winter who was a stern goddess who despised laziness.  She is heard in old stories from the Norse and German ancient cultures.  She is found to be held within snowfalls and red-berried evergreen plants that we see at Christmas.  It is said that, when it snows, it is feathers from her shaking her feather mattresses.  She is the Mother Goddess also called Hulda, “Gracious One”, who helps mothers and children.  As the old hag, she rides a broom across the night sky and turned spinning wheels into evil tools (re:  Sleeping Beauty” and other old Scandinavian stories).  As Fran Holle, she protected children who die in infancy, but as Hulda, she could be told about as stealing children from their cradles.  Eventually, she became known as Mother Goose who was foolish and spread Old Wives’ tales. 

Frau Holle symbolizes being supportive of women who are industrious and one who punishes those who are lazy.  Yet she represents wisdom, destiny, karma and kinship.  Anything white is her color.  Anything antique represents her.  Hulda is known as the White Lady.  So, as you can see, they are one, just the names are different in the Norse and Germanic ancient cultures.  Hulda’s hair is shown as white to represent the wisdom of age.  She has learned the lessons of life and knows the mysteries that she shares with us if we are patient and take the time to know her.

She is the sacredness of evergreen plants, especially at Yuletide.  Her plant is the holly plant.  Her celebration is held on Christmas Day and at that time she is the goddess of the hearth and home, the domesticity of women’s crafts, especially weaving and spinning. 

I should be a spinner and weaver.  My grandmother was Mathea Martinsdatter Matson Solberg, from Norway.  This is a picture of her spinning.  It is such a dear photo for me to have. 


Why not go and adopt a grandmother during Christmas week.  Shower her with attention and celebrate her.  Even if you go to a nursing home and spend some time talking to some of the women.  They carry stories of old.  Listen to them and gather insights that will inspire you.  Listen to people’s stories of days gone by, and let their insights inspire you.

Add to your good karma.  Wear a white scarf, carry a white stone in your pocket.  Place white coral on your altar.  Find some holly or a decorative piece of it, with the white berries and place it on your altar or wear it as a decorative piece on your coat.  If anyone asks, tell them Frau Holle/Hulda sent you.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.9.22

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