Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Cailleach Bheur



She is a Celtic Queen of Winter.  She represents the old woman of the triple goddess and is Queen of the dark days. She is the Dark Mother, the Crone, the Hag.  She is the hag with broken teeth, matted hair and only one good eye.  It is said mountains and craigs were made from her accidently dropping stones from her wicker basket.  She rules the time from November 1 through to the first day of summer. 

I am the Hag of Beare,
An ever-new smock I used to wear;
Today—such is my mean estate—-
I wear not even a cast-off smock.

The maidens rejoice
When May-day comes to them;
For me sorrow is meeter,
I am wretched, I am an old hag.

Amen! woe is me!
Every acorn has to drop.
After feasting by shining candles
To be in the gloom of a prayer

I had my day with kings,
Drinking mead and wine;
Today I drink whey-water
Among shriveled old hags

-        excerpt from a 1919 translation by Lady Augusta Gregory.

It is suggested to wear blue when you go out in the cold.  It represents cold honesty, reserve and controlled truth.  Your altar should have a yellow covering to represent the sun.  Even if you put a yellow placemat on your kitchen table.  Put a blue candle in the centre to represent the goddess.  Add snow in a bowl and when the snow melts as the Goddess would have it.  Return the water outside and throw it up into the air as an offering to the Goddess. 

***This is a symbolic self-portrait.  Those of you who know me well, will immediately pick up on this. 

©Carol Desjarlais 12.6.22


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