Friday, December 16, 2022

Angels Faster Than The Speed Of Light



As it was told me, I share knowing only this:

I asked what a Medicine Man thought about angels or angel figures, with wings.  He spoke of the birds and their wings, and that birds were spirits.  Then, upon asking more pointedly, he said:

The reason people think that angels have wings is that, when something moves faster than the speed of light, there is a trail of light that follows them.  He said he thought that people saw this and thought the lights were wings. (Eddie James Bad Eagle, Jr.)

I do not believe in angels as portrayed as people with wings.  I do believe that this Medicine Man’s explanation fits my soul better. 

We are really bombarded with angels, that belong to religion, at this time of year.  I know that my mother, once when we thought we were losing her, asked what those cherubs were doing up there on the top of the wall.  Does what we believe in, influence our seeing?  I know, I, also have heard, that if you believe in hell and monsters and evil things awaiting those that go there, that, during life after death incidents, people can see those between the life and death and before return.  I, personally saw no hell, only experienced every sense of calm, beautiful, humming and light and a hand that belonged to my father and heard his voice telling me that if I took his hand, he would take me.

 Who knows for sure, really, but the trail of light following a figure that is a visitor from a higher plane, speaks to my soul about the wings seen on angels. 

©Carol Desjarlais 12.16,22


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