Thursday, December 8, 2022

Red Cardinal; Demeter; Be of Good Cheer"“Waiting for return of Persephone….”



I have blogged about Demeter before, and her loss of her daughter.  We move into the winter of Persephone’s disappearance (summer turning to winter, and we accept that she will go again. The earth dies for a season but returns.  As surely as the caribou migrate to the people for their survival, so shall we survive. 

When I lived in Maine, for those 12 years, I did everything I could to encourage the coming of a Red Cardinal.  In all those years, I only had one come to visit (and one Oriole, as well).

Red Cardinals, in ancient times, before Christianity, represent the Great Feminine…….  When Christians/Catholics came, they represented the red clothing of Cardinals, so that name was chosen and still stands today for most.  To those of us who seek the Feminine, she represents the life blood of being female. 

The Red Cardinal reminds us to be of good cheer, to take pride in body, mind, heart and spirit. Its beautiful song reminds us there is good energy and good hope in our brilliance (and, yes, we are all brilliant, each in our own unique way.  We matter).  Be that bright bird that comes to give hope and support to others.   We are but one bright spot amidst many, but we can be that ONE to another. 

Cardinals are a bird that devotes its whole life to one partner.  The Cherokee see it as the daughter of the sun.  They are the color of romance.  To see one is to fall in love all over again.  They will fight to protect the place they have chosen as theirs.  They also represent the visitation of a beloved who has passed.

The number associated with the Red Cardinal is the number 12.  Her nest typically has 12 eggs in it.  It is said to see one is to have good luck for 12 hours, 123 days, or a twelve noon or twelve midnight.  They choose an area and tend to stay in that area.  They will protect their area to the death, if needs be.  The are nurturers, devotees to family, and a year-round love.   The number 12 is the number of perfection and completion.  Only the male is red and the redder he is the more attractive he is to the females.  The Red Cardinal is a fierce protector of all things within their chosen territory.  Their songs to each other are full of love and hope. It is pure joy to hear.

This is the time to tell your loved ones of your hopes and dreams.  This creates unity as they share theirs with you.  Be that splash of color in an otherwise drab and dismal cold time.  Go out and be confident, cheerful, kind and a bright light to those around you.  Be festive.  This is the time of great cheer, be that!  Live these days with light heart and let your happiness bring cheer to others. 

©Carol Desjarlais 12.8.22




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