Saturday, December 24, 2022

Hobbythacco / Handsome Man



Now is the time for telling stories, for rest, for feasting with friends and family.  As Mother Earth rests, so should we.  Here is a story about Handsome Fellow who comes to bring gifts and treats.

There once was a great Chief named Hobbythacco, a Creek First Nations Chief.  He was always, as most Chiefs were, given many gifts throughout the year and at the longest night gatherings, they would share their gifts with their people.  When the gifts were given, it was often in secret from the children, and the children were told that Handsome Fellow brought them.

I worked with this wonderful Cree sister, Delores Sand, who gifted me with a tape of her songs sung in Cree.  I want to share one with you.

mitho-makosīkīsikanisik ikwa nākatāpamisok – You all have a Good Christmas and Take Care of Yourselves

©Carol Desjarlais 12.24.22


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