Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Collecting Versus Hoarding




“There’s a place in the world for frozen peas, salad in a bag, and even processed cheese – but who wouldn’t rather bit into a fresh hulled pea, a fresh-picked lettuce leaf or a morsel of aged Brie?  When it comes to having what you need to stimulate and satisfy your urge to create, you can make a similar choice:  buy high on the food chain (pre-stretched canvases, pre-selected water color sets, paint by numbers software programs) or treat yourself to raw materials that touch the raw nerve of your creativity.  No need to consider it a luxury to walk into an art supply store and pick two or three things you’ve never tried – just consider it your creative staples.” - Lynn Gordon

So many say, “Oh, you are so lucky to have so many talents” have no idea the responsibility it is to keep those talents all satisfied.  Each talent has its own little whispering voice and if I neglect one, it gets louder and louder until I cannot artfully think straight for the noise.  My mind is always seeing things I could do something with. 

I do diamond paintings.  I paint rocks.  I etch rocks.  I polish gems and make jewelry of them.  I make rain chains.  I do flower balls.  I can still play robin’s Return on the piano (learned that when I was 14 years old).  I make cards.  I bake creative foods.  I decorate my outside and inside for each season.  I paint on wood and even menus. I paint on pal fronds.   I do not do just one kind of medium or substrate.  I teach private art lessons to children.  I am a poet.  I sculpt.  I am not a solid ‘great’ at anything, but I am a try-hard.  I am always trying to appease the creative Muse and her subsidiaries.  When I get tired of doing one thing, I jump to another.

I have filled up half a storage room with my canvases and creations.   Somehow, I need to get some moved and I just do not have the energy to load everything up and get it to the Saturday markets with Serendipity.  I do at least a painting a day, but I also work in many different themed art journals.  The art journals take the pressure off of adding another painting to The Room.  Any time any of you see a painting you would like, let me know.  I do not sell for profit so you will be sure to get a deal.

I do not know many artists who do not have many supplies ready in case creativity hits.  When you are able to spend the hours creating, like I do, I find we tend to collect supplies to try other things, to experiment, to do mixed mediums work, and then there are the creative magazines.  Oh, my, I need an art house not an art room. 

In October, I am going to work on art journaling.  I hope to do some live videos as I work as well.  I hope it will inspire some who have thought of art journaling and those who are diligent art journalers, so they inspire us, as well.  You never know what I will work with next so hopefully you will all find something that you might try or experiment with.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.31.22


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