Friday, August 12, 2022

Aquarius Rising: Expect the Unexpected




Whoa, Aquarius Moon during Leo means drama, drama, drama! 

The moon gives us an opportunity to reflect and give the energy, we derive from doing so, into a more illuminated world.  Be aware that things are going to come to the surface during this moon.  Expect the unexpected.  Why are we here?  How are we here?  What are we giving to the world?  Yes, how are we useful in today’s world that we have been kept here this long?  We cannot expect to do and react the same way over and over and over and expect things to turn out differently.  And, so it goes, with things being stirred up and both the extraordinary and the dramatic is apt to happen.  The Universe is going to shake things up.  Leo and Hestia team up.

This means that things will be intense, full of drama, mind shifts,  and new beginnings and endings.  You will experience some Fate and then relief.  Some things end and you will simply need to put one foot in front of the other and get through it.  As the drama wanes, it is best to doing ceremony of some sort to help you brush off negativity that which clings to you psychically. 

Leo reigns, yet, and you might be sensing heightened seriousness.  You will sense almost a loneliness as you ward off being too serious.  There is no need to tell, to try to defend, or even to try to explain what you are feeling.  A relationship will come to the forefront and you will begin to see that it is no longer worth the energy and work it takes.  Change is in the air.  Growth will come as you walk through what needs to be done.  

Hestia rules.  She is the virgin goddess of home and hearth. She is the goddess that kept fires for the gods.  Fire gives us warmth, helped us cook our food so more food was available.  She taught her people how to build their homes.  Often, she was emotionally cool and you may feel her influence so that, you too, are emotionally numb. Sometimes we may become too much so, during this time.  It is her that will influence you to deal with relationships and family affairs.  In fact, she got so tired of dealing with relationships that she decided to remain a virgin after all was said and done. 

Try hard not to be drawn into the drama.  It might be a struggle.  Leo is a determined influencer.  Hestia will tug at you as well.  Because everything is heightened, they both will bring out their claws and paws.  Just get through it with as much aplomb as possible.  There will be two weeks of it.  It might feel like forever.  There will be disruptions, tension, and tiredness.  You may feel emotionally drained but no matter what., get through it for there is light at the end of this all.  Set some intentions.  Journal your feelings.  Change what needs changing in you.  Allow it to pass.

Take care of you!

©Carol Desjarlais 8.12.22


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