Saturday, August 27, 2022

Step Back, For Creativity’s Sake



“Deep down inside, beyond reach of reason, responsibility, and rational thought, are the passions and concerns that move you most.  Your core values are what invigorate your heart – so why not let them invigorate your heart – so why not let them invigorate your art.  Whether you spend your Saturday’s canvasing for Greenpeace, your thanksgivings, serving turkey at a homeless shelter, or a percentage of your paycheck funding cancer research, your commitments can fuel your creativity as well as causes you believe in.  Reach in and find the feeling that makes you glad to spend your holidays among strangers, then give that emotion expression in your chosen medium.” – Lynn Gordon

Quiet time, time out, is not just good for kids who need to think about their actions, it is good for us, as well.    I find separating my morning busyness with a few moments of quiet, headphones on, is what sustains me.  We all need to “take a moment” now and again, but do we do it for inspiration’s sake? 

I love to sit at food courts in malls.  I love to watch people.  I catch snippets of conversations.  I love when those things inspire me.  I can sit and have a whole lovely story made up from just seeing people walk by.  People make me wonder.  My wonder leads me to create using many mediums, tools, styles, and colors and shapes to express such experience(s). Although I find quiet, my mind does not.  It is constantly a hamster on its wheel.  Sometimes I have to find ways to shut down the total sensory stimulation of just being me.  I isolate my hearing so I choose the sounds that come through my speakers (soft music, typically).  I isolate my hearing so that I do not have a lot of background sounds that might distract me.   I find that by cloaking one or more senses, I can focus more on creativity.  It opens a creative door for me. 

Some times, falling into a really good book has me move into a more focused reading and I love top get lost in a good book. Sometimes the content can draw me out of the book and into a creative zone.  

Through covid, I have noticed that I have become more and more introverted, feeling strained when around crowds, and desire one on one or, at least, a small group.  That is sooo not who I have been all my life. I find I cannot tolerate large crowds even when shopping.  I am sure covid has changed many of us.  I am wont, too, to get up during the middle of night, just to have the quiet and it is then that I get most of my art done… or, at least, started.  

I, also, find that I am quicker at going through my emails and social media.  I do not tend to dawdle as I typically would have.  I want to get all my work done by 10 am and then prep dinner so I can throw it on in a hurry.  I am still getting a great deal done, but I limit myself.  I, also, take more time to do the art I am working on.  I will do a layer then step away for a time.  This slower pace is working for me right now.  I am enjoying whatever I am doing during the busy time because I know that I can relax later, to have a nap, to spend more time layering an art piece, which is, in a way, reward myself. 

Life just seems to work better if we find some quiet time each day.  I am more aware of how external stressors seep into the day.  I am learning self-care.  In all, my art gets more depth, more consideration other than just “doing”, I am enjoying the processes.  My body seems to enjoy it as much as mind heart and soul.  It is as if it says: “Well, this is what I have been missing all this time!” 

Find some quiet time, learn how to take quiet time, get lost in a project, a book, an art piece you are working on.  It is awesome!

©Carol Desjarlais 27.8.22




For this piece, I used a model.  I am not usually one to use a model.  I do not grid or do anything to help me, other than just looking and copying what I see.  Notice I left the hand out of it. 


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