Wednesday, August 24, 2022

A Smidgen Smaller Than A Superstar



“Although the public expression of unbridled egotism is considered gauche, having a healthy ego and ambitious goals are often first steps towards achieving them.  You may not aspire to be a Madonna-sized superstar, but what about something a smidgen smaller?  Without ambitions, what would you aspire towards?  What first steps can you take to get there?” – Lynn Gordon

I often blog about Ego/Evil Inner Witch/Lizard Brain/Critical Inner voice in the negative.  But there is a positive Ego as well, as in all things…balance.  There is a healthy ego that is all about acceptance of personal strengths, appreciation of our talents, unconditional acceptance that is aware of our faults and flaws but so much more…aware of our unqueued beauty and gifts for the world.  Yes, we are gifts to the world.  Why do we so often forget that?

Authenticity is the key to having a balanced Ego.  Acknowledging our good traits, our talents - our character that is true to itself, must accept that we are enough, not self-importance, for we all, every living thing, has a purpose for being here, and in that is beauty and goodness, and carries deep meaning.  We are exactly what is needed right now, in or world, and we are enough, significant, and experiencing life’s ups and downs, our own ups and downs, and our part in the creation. 

We must nurture our positive aspects of ego.  The world would have us bury our talents and gifts, in an ever-promoted and overly-bombardment of us not being “enough”.  We do not need over-abundance of pride, of arrogance, of dissatisfaction of self. Our positive ego is who we really are, set aside from ever-constant media, social, even cultural sense of our need to be better, and in its persuasion that we are not enough.   There are ego boundaries:  we have to stay humbled at our gifts.  We need to be aware of how resilient we are amidst the chaos and drama of life.  We need to experience failure, pain, sorrow, guilt, and the gentle comfort that comes when we experience positive ego harmony amidst it all. 

We must not listen to the persuasions that we are not enough.  We are exactly as it is, as we are and we are ever-changing to meet the next decisions and choices that nurture or negate ego.  We need to be sure of ourselves, of who we are, right to our very soul.  We need to constantly remind ourselves that we are here for a reason and, although we are not able to know that purpose, we need to know we have a place in life.  We cannot over-exaggerate ourselves in importance, though, nor allow ourselves to forget that Creator is not finished with us yet; that we are capable of change; that we are progressing as we process our Self; that we must carry with us, a sense of self-esteem that is in harmony with creation. 

Make a vow to remember that we are seeking The Sacred Within that is who we truly are and know that we carry gifts out into the world, that we ARE gifts to the world, and that we must manifest those gifts with humbleness and gratitude that we possess them.

You are Superstars, sister-friends.  We all are; each of us flawed and full of want and wisdom and things to make the world a better place because we are in it.  We are enough.  Remind your Ego of such.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.24.22



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