Monday, August 29, 2022

Creativity: A Percolation Of The Unconscious



“Creative Expression may seem to spring from the movement of a paintbrush across a canvas or the vibration of the vocal chords through a singer’s lips.  But the origin of creativity lies much deeper; its actually the percolation of the unconscious that bubbles up onto the canvas or into a concert hall.  To tap into that source, slow down, tune out the static, and rest the brain.  Go to the local Zen center (or your bedroom closet), meditate for an hour, and note the thoughts that struggle to the surface.  Take a nap and write down what you dream.  Or be your own analyst –lie down, close your eyes and just start talking.” – Lynn Gordon


I might have an idea of colors that I will slather on to the substrate.  I might do some scribbling.  I begin a sketch.  But, then, almost all of the time, I stop consciously trying to force my will upon the work I am doing.  It is then something takes over and I am no longer in control.  I call it My Muse, scientists call it The Unconscious. Earlier, someone said it was madness – probably Freud.  What, where, does this sudden lapse into creativity come from?  It is beyond thought.  It becomes process and intuition of some sort. I try not to wonder and just accept.

When I sink into that creative space, I lose track of time and there is a peace that comes over me as the image appears.  I am using thought processes and my hand takes on a life of its own as the colors are applied.  I seem to sink into the creation and all else in the room is faded out.  My unconsciousness fades out all else but the process.  Yes.  That is describing how it feels.  I become emotionally attached to the image that is appearing.  Somehow, the unconsciousness captures me stroke by stroke.  Sometimes, my hand goes numb and I get toa point where I have to take a break and let the image rest, my creative mind rest.  I come out of that space with a growing sense of joy that she is appearing before my eyes.  I am conscious, but it has been a numbed consciousness and it is tiring in ways it is hard to describe.  I let the layers dry and I distract myself for a time.  I am, though, even as I draw away from that sacred space, being constantly drawn back to add more color, more deatil, but it is as if I have to do the painting in steps and my Muse becomes tired, or tired of me, and I break off that coaxing in order to rest, to let creativity rest, it seems.

How do you describe THAT SPACE you go to when creating?  Do you experience That Space in any other activity?  I do.  When I read a good book, I tend to go to that comfort zone of timelessness.  What do you do that leads you to that space of a type of prayer, a meditation, a holy space?

©Carol Desjarlais 29.8.22

Each photo represents a time I have drawn myself from that creative space and rest. 


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