Thursday, September 1, 2022

Time to Keep Your Proverbial Chite Together


A new season brings a new kind of energy.  This month is even adults “back to school” time.  It is time to get your life, and all in it, in order.  This month I will be blogging some about the influences of the month.  For instance, this month is a Mercury Retrograde month. 

Mercury in retrograde is named such because this is a time when Mercury seems to be moving backwards.  It is in an optical illusion, though, but it can seriously affect your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual components of your life.  Your energy will ebb and flow both highly and lowly.  You will feel a sense of agitation and nervous energy.  You can expect to feel restless, when low, your energy will drain out of you.  When high, your energy will have you fragmented, chaotic, and anxious. 

This month your relationships will demand focus and attention.  Your words can be miscommunicated.  Your actions can be determined as other than you mean them to be.  Be prepared for this by making sure you communicate well.

Pay attention to details as you organize the things around you.  Be thorough when you do so.  Revise the way you treat your body, the way you think (be open-minded), the way you believe in things, and the way you listen to your soul.  A sense of humor is greatly needed during this time.  It is best to laugh it off than to react defensively.  Remember to acknowledge when you feel on edge.  Communicate that in words rather than let others define your mood for you. 

Be sure to stay grounded so you stay in focus.  Remember to stay in the idle, stay out of things that are not your business, stay on course.  Try hard to be your best self.  Double-check written, textual, communications because you may have a problem with miscommunication in them.  As the full moon approaches, this month, September 10, Pisces can cause some drama and chaos.  Try to remember, as I said, to stay in the middle and keep clear of events where there might be a problem. 

When we are organizing things, remember it is not all about moving furniture.  It means to organize the papers on your desk and actually getting things done that have needed to be done and you have put off.  It means to get your thoughts straight and do not let your mind wander into drama or catastrophizing.  Remember that your emotions might fling one way and then the other, like an off-rhythmed pendulum.  Gather up some Rose Quartz and keep it on your person.  Do whatever it takes to stay grounded and balanced.

©Carol Desjarlais 9.1.22

There is potential chaos in that background.


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