Saturday, September 10, 2022

Corn Moon - Review, Reflect, Redo, Attune and Atone



“If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside. All of us are a complete Universe within ourselves.”- Buddha

Ah hah!  I hope we have prepared ourselves.  Emotions are going to be on high alert.  Be prepared for surprises.  You will be treading white waters of emotions and all your feelings will be raging, weeping, laughing; the highs will be high and the lows will be devastatingly low.  Pisces is dominant and you will be hyper sensitive.  Be sure to listen to your intuition.  Watch your mouth.  Your filter will be thin.  Do not let your emotions rule. 

Pisces is the wisdom of age, carries energy of the spiritual quadrant of your life, and there is almost magic in the air.  There are decisions to  be made and you must bypass all your regrets and sorrows to become what it is you are deciding to become.  Review, reflect, rewind.  Attune and atone. 

We all carry memories.  Some remember only after starting school, some remember before, some have forgotten the memories of their whole childhood.  I remember crawling on some cinders and seeing what I came to know as a snake.  I confirmed the cinders and was told they put down sod and grass when I was a year old.  I remember being 2 ½ and being stood on the hood of the car to see my mother who had had my baby brother.  The memory is sensory as I remember the flag above the hospital whipping and snapping.  I remember what she was wearing as she peered through the window and I thought her so beautiful in her black dressing gown with fuscia flowers on it.  It was confirmed because of the dressing gown color and flowers.  Those scary things, we remember.  The beautiful things we remember, but we can also remember the bad things. 

Those bad memories scar us so deeply because we did not have the words to express them, most times.    If there is emotional garbage, trauma, woundings, we can become overwhelmed and not even know why we feel that way over some stimuli that we happen upon.  You know how you can smell a smell and it reminds you of a grandparent or an early memory?  It is like that that bad memories surface from their deep dark cave as well.  Those deep dark feelings are a signal that we need to heal ourselves.  We need balance in our inner and outer world.  We can pretend, we can paint our faces, we can have the most perfect house and partyer or whatever and yet, inside there is that darkness.  We are not fooling ourselves.  We have to actually a knowledge the feelings and seek out the trigger(s). 

We have to solve the problems in our lives, to seek out where the negative emotions come from.  I realized over a year ago that my life was built around fear.  I worked on fear for the whole year and I was dumbfounded to find out that every decision I made was made from a place of fear. 

The problem with deep down fear, for instance,  being the base is that we experience resonance and attraction which means that we give off an aura of that fear we have deep inside and we draw things to fear to us.  Read that again and apply any word that expresses what is deep down emotion within you… follow that thread of feeling back to where it began.  This is hard work but healing magnifies as you truly begin to seek out reasons for feelings that you have. 

The shift that happens as you heal, changes what you resonate and what you draw to you.  The more we learn to love ourselves, the more love we give out and the more love that comes to us.  That is so empowering. 

Be aware that during this month’s moon time, your may feel out of sorts…this is coming from the Deep Within.  We can blame whatever we project to be the cause, or we can dig in and find out what is really causing that feeling.  As a Leo, my sign is truly going to be affected.  I will begin to feel vulnerable and to counteract this I must realize my strengths and the power I have within.  Once I realize the power and strength, the more I will reflect that and the more I will love myself for it.  The more I love myself for it, the more people will be affected by this self-love.  And so it goes.  I am not a ‘muddle in the puddle’ person.  I am typically a happy energetic person, but when my energy is low, and this is going to happen this moon, then I will draw such things to me to drain me.  If I explore my Deep Within, I will come to understand more of why I feel vulnerable.  The moment I begin that work, the healing begins.

I wish you a safe Corn Moon month.  I wish you the strength to seek the answers within, sometimes, the Deep Within.  I challenge you to Review, Reflect, Redo, Attune and Atone… atone means to heal... in this instance.  Make up with yourself.  Forgive yourself for resonating and attracting the negative to yourself… and then go on with your healing.  Much love, sisterfriends.

©Carol Desjarlais 9.10.22



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