Saturday, September 3, 2022

I've Got Your Number




“Numerology is not just about numbers, it’s about energy and how that energy flows through our lives.” – Unknown

most archaic societies used numbers as a way to better connect with themselves. Called Numerology, the practice lies in the belief that a person’s name and birth date have a significant effect on their traits, talents, weaknesses, and emotional behaviors. This is said to be true because everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. When you find the number associated with the vibration rate of a particular human, you can also discover the qualities and energies that make that person who they are.

. The life path number represents the traits you’ve instinctively had since birth and that you will continue to carry with you throughout your life’s journey. The number is always represented as a single digit, therefore there are nine possible life paths.

Your Personal Year Number for September

1.    Add your birth date, birth month, and the number 5 together

2.    Reduce the digits by adding them together until you have a single number between 1-9.

Example for birthday of December 29:

12 +29 +5

(Birth month + birth date + 5)= 46

Reduce down to a single-digit number by adding the digits together (you may have to do this more than once)

4+6= 10

Keep reducing down to a single digit

1+0= 1

#1 is the Personal Number for the whole of Mabon


Once you have that figured out, then have a look at what that number means in your life:

#1.  Number 1 is the beginning of all numbers, full of powerful energies as all other numbers stem from the number 1.  It is full of all the energies of creation.  Being in the thralls of number one means you, too, are a foundation for others, a leader.  Sometimes you are too independent for your own good.  You work in flurries to get as much done as you can.  Life, to you is simply walking the path, avoiding competition, drama, and emotional ups and downs so that you can ‘get ‘er done’.   Watch that you do not become stubborn.  And, you can get defensive and feel so adamant that you become almost confrontational in your sense of ‘rightness’ and justice.  As long as you do not withdraw from being a leader, you are greatly admired for your strength and determination. 

#2. The most feminine number, a peacemaker, a mediator.  Confrontation avoidance is key for you.  You are able to discern two sides, at least, to everything.  You are a humble person but you are also very witty.  You tend to have routines and lists and goals and are, typically, full of nervous energy.  Watch that you do not allow yourself to become overly sensitive.  As well, you can get very indecisive when there is drama or chaos or rigid schedules and set times and places for things. 

#3.  You are driven to express yourself creatively.  You are very adept at acknowledging and sharing your feelings.  In a way, you are very intuitive and a visionary.  You are a great communicator and can express yourself in myriads of creative ways.  You are charismatic and things stay with you for a long time, feelings and emotions tend to last longer than typical.  You move through your days with emotions and it is these emotions that inspire you.  Be careful that you do not procrastinate.  Be careful that you do not come across as egotistical.  You have had need of discipline to be able to stay balanced.   You are a harsh judge of self ( and, then, of course others) because of your high standards.  You have set your own sense of morals and attempt to strictly follow those.  Be careful you do not apply your standards to others. 

 #4.  You are such an earthy person.  You are dependable and trustworthy.  You set goals for everything (be careful no for everyone).  You desire to stay down to earth, practical, and want a simple life.  You do not “people” very well and are constantly thinking up ways not to socialize.  You are very selective about who you spend time with.  Careful not to judge.  You can become narrow minded and things can easily frustrate you.  You do not always deal with chaos well because things become cloudy in your head and you can end up switching sides just to end things because you feel confused.

#5.  You are very much a “freedom” person.  You are open-minded and are a progressive thinker.  You are easy to be around as you are a happy-go-lucky kind of personality.  You are impulsively living in the moment.  You are an adventurer, an explorer, but your impulsivity can get you into trouble.  You bore easily.  You do not like routines as they seem confining to you.  You tend to buck against constraints.  Be careful not to be reckless.  Be care not to be seen as irresponsible.  You may need to curb your ‘have no fear’ attitude.  One could say your life can be anything but stable, but you choose it to be spontaneous.

#6.  Oh, but you are so service oriented.  Sometimes too much the caregiver.  I remember a peer sending me a fax with the words “Just let me do my work, signed, God”.  What a wake-up call that was for me.    You are a hard worker and very charitable.  You have a grace about you.  You are very compassionate.  You are most happy volunteering and caretaking.  You are a kin keeper.  For this you are well-respected by those that matter.  Everyone who matters likes you.  You are loyal and sometimes devoted to a fault.  Sometimes you need to think for yourself rather than rely on others to help make your decisions.  You are wise, but sometimes overlook things about people and this can cause real heartbreak to you.  You are best being domestic.

#7.  You, sisterfriend, are very much the perfectionist.  But you are not overly so and this is because you are an old soul and carry sold soul wisdom.  You project calm and peace but your mind never stops working.  You are a thinker.  You are a lifelong learner.  You are very intuitive and you know your soul is wise.  You cherish ‘alone’ time.  It is then that you sort things out.  You may know that you lived before and that there is comfort and guidance in that.  Be careful that your thinking does not move into pessimism.  You can be very negative in thought and sometimes that comes across in your character.  Be careful that you do not sink into your own thoughts without consideration of others.

#8.  You are honest and blunt and, yet, diplomatic as you work towards having all you desire.  You are great at ‘reading’ others and their intentions.  You tend to be quite materialistic and will work hard to gain what it is you see as an end goal.  Your relationships are strong and emotional. You need to make sure that what you desire is what is meant for you.  Be careful not to fall into the trap of replacing what you truly need with things that do not fulfil you.

9.  Your honor means everything.   You are focused on fairness and, when receiving, you always turn back to help those less fortunate than you.  You are very aware of the interconnectedness of all things.  You may be accused of feeling “superior” and that would be the last thing you would want to be seen as.  You are a globally responsible person in that you are passionate about global issues.  You are almost a chameleon and will break free of cycles in your life that do not serve you.  You are a very positive person, though, and seek to be the best you can be.

This is merely a brief brief summarization of some of the personality traits that go along with your life number.  If you are interested, there is a plethora of information out there about life numbers and the astrology that is behind it. 

BTW, my life number is #1.

©Carol Desjarlais 9/3/22


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