Friday, September 9, 2022

99 Endings




Mercury has officially entered retrograde.  As it does, it influences how we think and the things we allow our critical inner voice/ego/lizard brain/evil Inner witch to speak to us.  It will give us reasons to blance our inner and outer self.   Tomorrow is full Moon and we best set our intentions toward balance or we will spend the next few weeks feeling emotionally imbalanced.  This moon is going to awaken our psychic and intuitive gifts and we best be prepared for it. We could be easily overwhelmed.

It is the 9th day of the ninth month and the number 99 is all about completions, about graduations, about endings.  It is time to listen to your thoughts and deal with any conflicting areas within and without.  Perhaps it is time to make the most of relationship(s) or to end it/them.  Look at all your relationships and do a check list of both positive and negative and either get to work on the negative or you may need a different change.  Note that things are going to pile up on you if you do not stay present and if you do not deal with every issue as it comes up.  Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Be self-aware and take a long look at your beliefs and values.

You may find that you have ‘hit the wall”, “burned out”, are “stressed to the max” and you cannot rest, feel bored, restless and you may feel like you are coming down with a flu but never really get sick.  This is what retrograde can feel like. 

Some questions to ask yourself, during this time, are:

What things in your life are changing?

What things within you are changing?

What choices are you having to make that go with your values and beliefs?

In what way are you progressing in life (physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually?

What minor things are you focusing on?

Are they resolvable or are you procrastinating growing with those changes?

Are you using your best coping skills to get through difficult times?


May we sail through this retrograde with a minimal amount of disruption. 


©Carol Desjarlais 9.9.22


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