Friday, September 2, 2022

We Must Remember and Be Grateful




Having a vision, being enlightened, serving and loving, and experiencing laughter and happiness are the tenets of a life fully lived. Listen to your inner voice, it will tell you of your purpose, the gifts you have to give. Take the time to breathe in the beauty of your world, to celebrate its wonder and its mystery.” – John Twohawks

It is evident that beings on Mother Earth must change how we live, how we think, how we feel, what we believe.  We are in a mess, globally, that we might not be able to get ourselves out of.  Perhaps what has happened is we lost the sense of “mystery” because we think we know it all; that science and all the experts will figure it out, or that we are smarter than they are, and few believe in the ancient ways of not needing to know it all but to first honor Creator, second, take care of Mother Earth, and lastly, to take care of each other. 

We speak of freedom of choices, equality, fairness, and yet we do not think of the freedoms and fairness of birds, animals, things that grow, things that swim, things that crawl, things that happen in Mother Nature that we cannot even fathom and yet, do not honor for its elegance and mysteries. 

We are not thankful for the things we should be thankful for.  We no longer do ceremonies that honor the basic drumbeat of Mother Earth.  We do not remember how to enjoy life.  We do not seem to honor the spirit of all things and our spiritual interdependence.  We have allowed others to highjack our spirituality so that we think we need to box it up and raise it over our heads as if it, somehow, makes us more elite/right/righteous than all other people, places and things. 

Ancient laws say that if we do not honor water, that we will poison it and we will die.  Ancient law says that if we do not honor the very air we breathe, and poison it, we will die.  If we do not honor where we live, the earth under our feet, we will suffer greatly.  And, so we are.  We forget to honor the basic people, places and things of nature in our lives.  We leave our footprints on everything without thought.  We forge that Creator’s first-born creations are the most sacred.  We were created last so we are far down the rung of creation, and yet we do the most damage.  We might think we can destroy Mother Nature, the earth, but Creator will wipe us off the earth before he will let us completely do so.  It is said that he will spin the world so that we are all blown off and he will begin again.  Do we think that he will re-create us, who dishonor the very earth we are on?  No, we are not that superior.  What happens to Mother Earth will happen to us.  We will pay for our ignorance.  We have forgotten, as I said, to be grateful for the very basics of creation. 

Our purpose was not to conquer nature.  We were not meant to conquer the birds, the fishes, the creeper and crawlers.  We were not meant to conquer each other.  We were meant to share Mother Earth.  We need to be deeply grateful for each other and to act out of gratitude for each other and all of creation.  How far we have come from these basic tenants.


©Carol Desjarlais 9/2/22

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