Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Not Someone Else's Journal

"Whatever the particulars, your privacy was violated, and chances are, you stopped recording your thoughts altogether." - Alfred DePew

So many of us spend so much of our time self-editing, self-sabotaging, self-censoring because we are afraid that others might find out who we really are.  We do not write in order to understand who we are, we write in order to be acceptable to someone who might read our journal.  Sometimes we just write down quotes that hint at who we are, we do not write our own quotes and thoughts.  Some write just thoughts, not happenings.  Some write from their 'bad-ass self'.  Some write from their compassionate self.  Maybe many journals is the answer until you find your voice.  It can seem as if a journal/art journal, is our otherness.  

Many of us think we are not good at writing.  Part of that may come from thinking it has to be "proper" English.  (Someone else's 'proper).  I think many of our youth have abdicated from 'proper' spelling and usage of our languages.  If you are hesitant, use clipped words and phrases. Use imagery, use collaging, use whatever it takes to delve deep into your own soul to have your say. (BTW, Grammar-Nazis tend to not be looking for authenticity; they are there because they want to be superior, not real.)  Expression can be as creative, in whatever style, whatever medium you desire.  

I am both blogger, artist and poet.  I never know how my soul/Muse will decide to express something.  It may be on napkins, on sketch paper, on canvas, on stone, on wood.  Every medium is very unsafe in my hands when something of expression is necessary.  (Hence my drawers of 'stuff' I might someday need to use).

Do not let others define your soul, your realness.  Grab a notebook, a binder, an old book to recycle, a 'whatever' and just begin.  It is your soul you are expressing.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.15.19

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