Saturday, August 24, 2019

Journaling Life Theme

You can't tell any kind of a story without having some kind of a theme, something to say between the lines. -Robert Wise

We all live moment to moment but there is a running them in our Present Moments.  Right now, I am grieving, as ever, for my lost sweetheart.  It never goes away.  He resides in a huge space of my heart.  I do not grieve like I used to grieve, but forever the five weeks of July 25 through to August 27th, I honor my lost beloved.  It is a new kind of grief because the years have found me seeking solace from what felt so cruel of life.  When I go through these weeks, I am so aware that nothing is forever.  There are ever and always "Goodbyes" in life.

When you open your journal for today, consider the theme of your life, right now, even though it may not follow the theme every moment, it is there.  Sometimes you can grab some kid's water colors and a black felt pen  and simply scrawl some shapes on the page.

In my page, you see me as I perceive myself.  A hero of sorts, a holy woman for those five weeks, for him and probably the only time in my life I have been required by circumstance to be one.  I honor that in myself by a small halo crunched on my head.  the drooping flowers I clutch in my hand show the loss, a diminishing of faith in life, in a Higher Power, because the loss was so great to me.  You see the ash urn that shows me returning again and again to.  You see birds carrying off many of my loved ones and pieces of my heart.  You see the sign post that is in Maine, that points the way to towns named after countries, and I wander lost to that place that I loved so greatly. And there in the left hand sky, you see new blossoms that represent a hope, that there is still gentleness and beauty in life if I only look up from where I am going and to whom. Even without the words, the messages are there for me.  I know them by heart.  But, this gives you an example/idea as to how you might easily portray a theme in your life right now.

What is the main theme of your life right now?  Can you express that on a page?  What symbols, what metaphors, what analogies can you use to express such?

Grab some coffee, some chai tea or a glass of wine and sit with the blank page of your journal until an image forms in your head, then put it on paper.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.24.19

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