Sunday, August 18, 2019

Journaling Personal Affirmation

I AM …

… an awakening human being.
… aware of my spiritual nature.
… aligned with new energy of these times.
… open to the potential of this new energy

… vibrantly healthy.
… fully aware of my power to heal and transform.
… giving my permission for healing and recalibration.
… worthy of love and all good things.
... deserving of perfect health and well being.
… balanced in my mind and my body.
… sending my body the instruction to manifest perfected health.
… sending my body the instruction to manifest perfected balance.
… sending my body the instruction to reverse aging.
… regenerating my cells to a perfect state of health.
… my perfect weight for health and well being.
… inspired to make intuitive choices that support my health and wellbeing.
… now releasing attachment to energies of limitation.
… now releasing attachment to energies of victimization.
… now releasing attachment to energies of worthlessness.
… I now release all energies that suppress my ability to manifest who I am.
… stronger than fear.
… trusting of my spirit.
… trust life.
… grateful.
… courageous.
… forgiving.
… peaceful.
… joyful.
… I am conscious of all sentient life.
… compassionate towards myself.
… compassionate towards others.
… love.
… love.
… love.

These things be true, and so it is.
- Dr. J. Ryan

As we age, we want more and more peace.  Life continues to hand us aches and pains in places we did not know we had.  We do not have time for worldly things, as we move into the years of decline.  Sometimes it is hard to feel positive.  We can wake up with anxious feelings.  It is a lonely space to be, sometimes, because we do not want to be THAT person who whines on continually about aches and pains.  It would be pretty easy to feel negative all the ti8me.  But, some of us are not giving in easily.  In our journal today, let us come up with a personal positive affirmation that we can live by.
We are only as negative, as sad, and as lonely, as we wish to be.  It is mind over matter, (such a cliché, but so).  We are in control of the information in our brain, which we listen to, ones we extinguish.  You will see sisters using affirmation cards, use little stick pad note on their mirrors, have affirmations sent directly to their email, or have FB posts that they sign up to in order to change the morning madness.  We are trying.  We are trying!

To change Self is to give Self a good talking to.  Becoming aware of negative thinking/overthinking is to take control of yourself.  Those thoughts in your head can become positive even in your darkest days.  You are in control.  Find ways to take over again and affirmations are one way to do that.  Change those thought patterns.  By affirming that you might have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, is key.  Be aware of your thinking for a few days, see what needs changing. Again, Ego/EIW is going to hate this.  It has had its way with you, perhaps, for years.  You can probably hear its rumble and grumbling as you read this.

Everyone of us is worthy of peace, dignity and happiness.  Everyone of us is capable, is intelligent, is important in the world.  I have a huge sense of being allowed to be here, still, because someone, something has need of me.  This comes from my lfie after death experience when I had a brain bleed in 1982.  It was during that out-of-time space that I knew I had a choice to go or stay.  I begged to be able to live to raise my babies. (Jordon was 6  months, ShirRae was 1.6 months, and Dustin was 2.6 months, Lainee was 6 years old, JanaDee was 12, Troy was 14, and Michael was 16.)  As soon as that decision was made, I wooshed back into my pain-filled body.  With loving help from my mother and Margaret Lenore, I learned to walk and talk and do again.  Since that experience, I have sensed we are here until we are no longer needed.  Once I made THAT decision, today, my decision would be different, methinks.  Positive input through affirmations can help us feel better about being here.  I know, when chaos arises, I am not firm in that position, so affirmations become all the more important. 
You are important. You are capable. You are smart. And you are worthy of love and happiness. Your thoughts may lie to you until you start to drive the negative thoughts out and focus on the positive ones. Affirmations can help you do this and much more. Give yourself another chance. Let affirmations be the start of your happiness now. 
Sometimes the world is pure chaos and it is easily to stay in rather than go out.  Sometimes we feel alone no matter who we are around.  Sometimes we just need support to feel worthwhile.  We can be filled with self-sabotage and self-doubt. (Thanks to Ego. EIW.)  But there is a still small ear that listens to our inner conversations and it needs sustenance.  Affirmations can drown out the Ego/EIW. 
Every human being has, and will always have, a creative force within.  It is there to help us.  Becoming conscious of it, making sure we are aware of it, feeding it positive information, is adamant.  

After reading this, take a few minutes, an hour, a day, to contemplate and become aware of your inner talk.  Then, when you are ready, Write/Draw/Paint/Poem, a positive affirmation, just for you, in your journal.  Really mediate and consider colors, shapes, feelings that need to go on your affirmation page.  I will be doing one that says , "I am enough!"  This is not cliché, nor airy-fairy, nor out of reach.  Enough is a word that holds many meanings, both denotative and connotative.  Sometimes I have had enough and I am real enough to write that.  Sometimes I need to be grateful for what I have in the now.  Sometimes I must simply accept my flaws and faults and know I am trying hard enough.  I am enough!

Grab the tools of your journaling and away you go.  Do a page that shows your affirmation.

And, please share on the FaceBook A little goddess in all.  Your affirmation is important to more than you, methinks.  Love and light.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.20.19



  1. You did the work my dear heart. you are the strongest bravest woman I knew then and know now. How many times you have saved me from myself? Forever I will need you {cause I needy} I have much work to do before this is over , I just hope there is time. We all have flaws . it is to be human. As we say aging is not for sissies . Just another brick in the wall. Hugs and love.

  2. Oh, I wish I felt about myself as much as you think of me.. or that you thought of yourself what I think of you. We survived... imagine that! Now for the peace and serenity and grace part. xoxoxoxoxo

    1. Can we have peace here on earth , perhaps sometimes. ? I think grace may given with our choices and thoughts. serenity comes later perhaps if we deserve it ,next . Hugs.
