Friday, August 30, 2019

Journaling Dreaming Big

“If your dream is a big dream, and if you want your life to work on the high level that you say you do, there's no way around doing the work it takes to get you there.” ― Joyce Chapman

Living in this world today, means that we will all face rejection, loss, failure, and hurt in many different ways.  There are many forms of jargons and clichés that are abundant.  But, sometimes, it does not reach your soul, your dreams, unless the dreams are fraught with 'the stuff of life'.  

A child( or children) can break a mother's heart without even acting out loud.  This is huge for many mothers today.  Friends can suddenly drop away. You become snubbed by groups, or feel so.  These things really have us in turmoil as we start to question how shameful, how guilty, how unworthy we are. (Never mind the rejection, loss, abuse we might be recipients of from hurting or lost relationships.)  We, so easily turn things in on ourselves, or move into the blame game of denial.  

Loneliness is deadly for aging women.  The longer we refuse, can't figure out how to, or are physically unable to connect with others, there are ways out and it is up to us to make connections.  The longer we isolate ourselves, the easier it is to do so.  We move into self-defeating troubles so easily, as well.  It is not a game; you are showing anyone how much you don't care.  We all have our ways of isolating ourselves.   In fact, when we become isolationists, we lose a great gift, our empathy!  

One of our basic needs is to connect with others.  Many of us have been wounded, bent a little, broken a lot.  We move around in life with so many unresolved issues dragging behind us like sad ribbons.  We fear.  But, there is not one of us that has not faced other fears and won, knowing that the outcome was not as bad as we feared it was.  Apologize, fix it, do your part in the issue.  You have no need to drag those ribbons along like dead tissue.

Again, stop over thinking everything.  Stop having others solved your problems.  We are not new born babies in need of saving, in need of total support to live.  A nightmare, truly as you abdicate the outcomes of solving things for yourself.  Yes, we have all failed at things.  Yes, we have been guilty of stuff we own.  Yes, we have made mistakes.  Yes, we are fully aware of stuff we have not fixed, healed from, but that does not mean you should not.  Wouldn't it be nice to take our dying breath with a smile on our face?  Believe me, I do not want to enter the next life scowling and ranting and raving...again, and again.  I do not want to take my final breath weeping, either.  Lord, have mercy; I want to be last, at last!  I am taking no chances we carry crap over to the other side with us.  

We need to laugh, to love, to commune, to care, to give service.  Love Mother Earth and love each other was our first rule down here on earth, before all the rules and phrases that came in normal living and we were not.    We are born with will power, with mindfulness, with problem-solving skills, with vulnerabilities. We were all born with good intentions.  It was up to us to use those.  Change our thoughts, change our being.

One thing we have forgotten that involves all of above, is that we have forgotten to dream big; to plan adventures, to find people who are of like mind, to build our spirituality, to live every day as full as it can be.  And, then to rest, to heal, to dream up something new to try, however small a project.  

After reading this blog, turn to your journal.  In some way, express Dream Big.
This journal page is your call.

Do not forget to share in the a little goddess in all group on Face Book.  We help others as we help ourselves.

love and light, sister-friends,

©Carol Desjarlais 8.31.19

Painting done with Christy Sobolewski


  1. How very easy it is. I can go days without the company of others , I quite like it, don't like talking on the phone. even texting can be toxic as I recently found out. It is so much safer to just be alone. Thinking of my neighbour who "just went to sleep" how nice for her. How can this be a bad thing? All I need really is my precious cat, TV. and some books. Safe

  2. I have a blog coming up that speaks to this. I have read so much, I spend a lot of time thinking about a quote, or something I have read, and it simply falls onto the page for a blog. There are times for quiet and healing, if, indeed, we are healing during those times. Somehow, we can get caught in the quiet, as if we abdicate the reason to be here: to love one another, to gather, to be compassionate for others, to be each other's cheerleaders, to interact, to be a gift to the world. Trust issues are huge, but we cannot abdicate the basic need of belonging. Soon enough will we be in positions of not being able to; physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Then we will have no choice. Being alone means you can spend too much time in your own had. Lord have mercy, 'in our heads' is not a good place to take up residence. It gives us time to overthink, to live un-stimulated by joy, by love, by companionship. For now, I know you are healing, but soon Winter comes and you will be truly styuck. You were conditioned, for these last few years, to isolate and be isolated. You feel safe because you were conditioned to do so. I love you and wish you a truly wide and expansive, gypsy life. xoxoxo
