Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Journaling Reoccuring Dreams

"Many people have the same or a similar dream many times, over either a short period of time or their lifetime. Recurring dreams usually mean there is something in your life you've not acknowledged that is causing stress of some sort. The dream repeats because you have not corrected the problem." - Angel Morgan, Ph.D.

Medicine People will sometimes ask you for a dream you starting having at puberty and one that carries the same kinds of theme throughout your life.  It has big medicine to share it with them because within that dream is important information for you, to keep you soul safe.  Recurring dreams are dreams who have some kind of regularity to them, most times, threatening type dreams but not really nightmares.  To have these dreams is to need to look at something psychological about self.  They can have patterns that could be pretty mundane or something to really catch your sleep-time attention.  You are being asked, because it comes again and again through your life, to really pay attention and work on what is bothering you (you may not even be aware of being bothered by it).  To dream of a lost one is common, but the dream is always about more than the losing.  Many times, these are depression driven and to find a way to alleviate the loss, to connect, to sense a message and acknowledge that, will alleviate them.  

Sometimes, with these dreams, they can be episodic, that one dream will lead into another night, or another years later.  But, they reoccur.  I will share part of a dream theme I have, that continued to reoccur for decades.  The theme was always the same, the characters were different, the locations were different, but they all had a common theme:

There is always danger.  I run away (no one else runs where I run, they run elsewhere), some people are chasing me (the characters change but they are always after me and others), I run into a forest (always a forest).  I am far enough ahead but I find a place, usually underground (a basement, a cave, a place covered with downfall in the forest - always a great hiding palace).  I hardly breathe.  I can hear them coming and yelling or talking.  They seem to be passing me by.  Then, suddenly, someone I know and trust opens my hidden door, uncovers my hidden place, breaks open the front of the cave.  Always, someone I trust betrays me and shows them where I am.  I never knew to analyze these dreams.  I only needed to later when the dreams became more and more common and closer together.  I went to a Medicine Man and he asked about my youthhood reocurring dream.  I share it.  Of course, it does not take much to understand the dream was all about being betrayed by those I trusted and loved.  And, boy, had that ever come true a thousand thousand times.  The Medicine Man knew what to tell me, other than this.  I was never to move back to where I came from, there was a cat spirit there and my life would be taken if I did.  And, it could have happened if I ever did.  It was my secret truth.  Later, I was able to understand more of the rest of the story.  I knew what I had to do and as soon as I started doing what I should, the dream disappeared.  I have never had it since.  My journal page shows enough of the dream for you to understand it as much as you should.  I might add that I was deadly afraid of cats long before the dream or the Medicine Man.  I understood much much later why I was uncomfortable around cats.

For your next journal page, write, draw, paint, collage, a recurring dream you have had since puberty.  Look for a common theme.  You do not have to be explicit, just enough for you to be able to recognize the pattern/theme that occurs again and again.  You might find yourself painting faster and faster, writing faster and faster, to try to get it all down.  Leave space to add to it, later, as meanings come to you.

Love and Light, sister friends.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.20.19

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