Thursday, March 7, 2019

I am home from being a snowbird.  I have to get used to the winter because it is not spring here yet.  I had a productive winter, as far as art goes.  There is something wonderful about not having internet in that it gave me time to read a book a day and to do an art piece a day.  I, also, went to Sally's weekly art journaling class that kept me inspired.

I was not enamored at being South this year.  Before the family got there, we were pretty much trying to fill the days and evenings.  I went into Walmart and there were just OLD people, limping, caning, walkering, and stumbling along.  And it was almost depressing.  After The Bee Man and I got through Walmart, I realized we were no different.  That was depressing.

But, once the whole family got down, then we were on a busy roll and things got better.  We did a side trip to Laughlin (Little Vegas) with my brother, his wife and an elderly friend.  Even that did little to add some spark to the winter.  But, we love Laughlin because we get free rooms and free buffets so we never have to spend any money when we got there.

We, also went to Mexico a few times, and to El Centro.  It wads nice to just get out and go. Our new cooking appliance that each of us all bought, this year, was an air fryer.. Oh, my goodness, they are awesome.  We got the small one for 30 dollars that cooks just the right amount for us.  

I do love the desert though.  I love the cool nights and the vistas.  We cannot do the mountain RVing any more, and that took a lot of the heart out of it all for me.  It will never be the same.

I gathered up palm fronds, after a particular high wind day, and did some palm frond paintings.  I found frames at yard sales.  So I quickly filled all of them.

Driving home was a bit gruesome as we were worried about the highest pass we had to go over.  We did run into snow halfway home in Nevada, and had to get a tow, which cost an arm and a leg, but had dry nicve roads and weather all the way home from there.

I love not to have winter, but the trip and the coming home is nervewracking.  I do not know if I want to go again.

But, I am home.  My appointments are remade.  I have a bunch of things comingu0p.  Oh, yes, and I bought teaching materials so I might be able to do backyard art here this year.  That is a bonus and something to look forward to.

And so, I begin again, to find ways to spark imagination and to share what I learn along the way.
Big sigh... I am glad to be home.

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