Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Gifts Of 'Within'

"The women that I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out.  They got that way because shit went wrong and they handled it.  They handled it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it.  They are my superheroes. "- Elizabeth Gilbert

I am head-shaking amazed at the strength of women.  They KNOW things.  They KNOW strength of a tribe.  They KNOW when to accept that they cannot know and others might. They are so strong that they surpass even diamonds.  They KNOW patience.  They KNOW how to maintain emotional balance.  In a moment, they rush to the aid of a bent sister, to hold her.  They KNOW they have a drive to create;  yes, of course, we know our gifts of such.  Is this only a total feminine knowing?  No, our brothers can access some of these things as well.  It seems to come naturally for the sisters.

If and when we begin to trust ourselves, we begin to hear that still small voice within that rings with truth and knowing.  I often meet older women who seem to truly be lead by intuition. (Yes there are some younger ones who have learned to get out of their own way and gained insight that comes from within.) Perhaps it is that they have learned to be still and listen, that life affords them this time.  Women seem to have a gift of Creative Expression and KNOW the peace found there, as medicine for life.  Perhaps they have turned back and focused in on the lessons of the past and have learned the lessons and this gave them more reason to truth The Within.  Perhaps this is the wisdom of elderhood.  

Since there were mothers, then grandmothers, then aunties, and extended family females, we knew to turn to them for counsel.  In most cultures, it was just part of that culture that women sought elderly personal teachers and counselors.  We have joined in gathering, in working, in recreation. Our mothers had bookclubs and sewing bees, etc.  Even now, we seek tribes.

We seek women with like interests, histories, and beliefs.  We know how to make our own tribes and create safe 'villages' for ourselves.  Nothing wounds a woman more than being betrayed by such.  We seek advice from those who remain strong within the tribe, and those who are service oriented.  We invest in friendships and female bonds. 
It is a known scientific fact that women can endure higher pain and seek succor, more quickly, than our brothers.  Perhaps this is conditioned.  Perhaps it is innate.  We, also, cope with difficulties at a higher level.  I know, it is a joke about men with a chest cold, but there is a grain of truth to it.   The innateness of it is that we developed tolerance for hard things because we knew we were the foundation of Family.  It is, sometimes, a burden, and sometimes truly a gift. 

As we mature, we develop higher skills in patience.  I know, as I age, that my patience wears thin more easily, but I act and react to hard things differently now than I did in earlier years.  We learn to let go more quickly.  We learn to 'Let Be.  We learn to be still and find the gift of patience when it comes.

Women tend to be emotion al foundations for their families, friends, and community.  They are quick to find ways to Balance.  There is also a resilience in that we bend but do not break easily.  It is said, in the seventh generation that women will move to being healers in our families, friends, and, communities.  I see this Native American prophecy coming more true every day.  We seek the balance of emotional resiliency.  It seems to be our nature.

Give others a burden and you will see casseroles at your door, hot bread brought over, circle of women gathering in support.  We bear the burdens of knowing hurts, betrayals, and woundings and yet, as Maya Angelo wrote, "We Rise!"  Not only do we rise, we rush to comfort, console and create a healing circle around those who experience a downing.  We are healers.  We know to heal ourselves so we can be of use to others.

Women are wont to make things beautiful:  Sometimes, to their own detriment because we want to help others who may not deserve it.  Where there are broken people, places, things, we are wont to rush to make better and to make more beautiful in the doing of it.  Some will beautify themselves when they cannot seem to reach out to others and they have become more "I" centered.  There is a young woman who tries out for Idol and other challenges such as Idol.  She is burned horribly in most of her body.  She was the lone survivor of an airplane's fiery crash.  Her singing is the sound of angel.  She has found a way to make beauty from the burning.  Yes, we are like that.  Many of us might be the walking wounded but yet we reach out to make ourselves, our homes, our communities, our world a more beautiful place in any way we can.  We are creators of beauty, we know the pangs that can come before the beauty, we rise even more beautifully because of the work it takes to heal ourselves so we can create beauty.  

Yes, we are gifted human beings.  Yes, there are many who need each one of us to become The Gift to the world we were meant to be.  Yes, there are those sisters we need to reach out to help make the balance of beauty be more than the balance of ugly things.  Yes, we are gifts and we know how to access the Gifts Within to make this world a better place for ourselves.

Be that, sister-friends, be that!

©Carol Desjarlais 3.10.19


  1. If anyone can turn things around it be you. Endless amounts of creativity to balance out your emotions. Selfless with all.. Loves you.

  2. Aw, thank you. I can g3t stressed and all my good works is for naught. I do know art saves me... and probably
