Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Sister Alligator Symbolism: Survival



“Animals may serve as stand-ins for humans or human characteristics, as in the African and Native American trickster tales or the fables of the Greek storyteller Aesop. In some legends, animals perform heroic deeds or act as mediators between heaven and earth. They may also be the source of the wisdom and power of a shaman. “ myth encyclopaedia.com


To the First Nations that live in alligator areas, Sister Alligator is one to be greatly respected.  They, living in the waters of rivers, marshes, lakes, are symbols of cleansing and healing.  Sister Alligator can be a formidable being; fierce, fearless, and forceful.  They symbolize individuality, protection and strength.  They carry ancient wisdom passed down their lineage. 

What in us is ancient?  It is there.  Have you met it?  We have learned to roll with the punches, haven’t we all?  We know about timing and patience to gain what we need, want, and what feeds us.  We know about anger and judgments and too much ego, about being stubborn.  Sometimes we carry rigid boundaries.  We, also, know about digesting things; about seriously giving thought before we act.  Don’t we?  We know both sides of that:  the acting rashly and the meditation on things before we act.    

Sometimes in life, Sister Alligator reminds us, we should not rush through life.  The present moment has so much to offer us.  We all go through the ages and stages of ups and downs, of clam waters and peaceful ponds we go through.  We should always honor our progress, our surviving, our ups and, yes, our downs.   We need to practice NOT going for quick fixes.  To survive, we need to be flexible, to be strong and be warriors for our purpose in life.  We call carry gifts to offer the world.  Perhaps surviving through it all is exactly that.  Carry on!  Sister Alligator speaks to these things.

©Carol Desjarlais 9.14.21



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