Thursday, September 2, 2021





“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Helen Keller, The Open Door

Usually, my work with risk-taking, was all about Youth, but, more and more, I am recognizing that, at 74 years of age, I need to think about the risk-taking that I do.  Yes, of course, most of us think of risk-taking as a negative aspect.  But there are also POSITIVE aspects of risk-taking. 

Many of us, at every age, are seeking purpose in our lives.  We explore new ways of doing things, we happen upon new interests, and we continue to set goals.  The degree of risk-taking we do depends upon our maturity, our sense of our identity, our degree of independence, even yet.  We either fear failure or not and we either reject an adventure or take it, accordingly.

Risk is all about choices.  A Risk-taker makes/takes a decision with uncertain endings that can be great or not great.  Some of the negative outcomes put you at serious risk like anti-social decisions or dangerous decisions you might make.  Postive risk-taking is dependent on the outcome, as well, but are socially-acceptable and lead to positive outcomes.  Always decision--->action ---> consequence(s).

How risky a decision depends on your sense of Self, your acceptance and/or surrender to those outcomes.  It takes a tolerant, less anxious person to deal with reward and punishments for our decisions.  I was always a slow learner so it takes me a few tries before I finally get, or deal with, results.  If negativity is sought, negativity you will get.  It is very individualistic.  We all deal with risks every day and we need to risk in order to mature and grow into our full potential.  I refuse to accept less. 

One has to consider what values were embedded in the family of origin.  It depends on how we were influenced by those beyond family and into the arena of peers.  It depends on how much you identify with bonding in family, extended relationships and society at large.  It, also depends on your goals and whether you feel you have more to lose from not risk-taking. 


Joining a new group (even this one) means that you are risking to begin to find a tribe here, or in any group you join in any arena.  In society, we are making choices to either be introverted or extroverted and that is all about trust and trust issues.  Some take risks at standing aup for values or fighting against them (typically teenagers and those in their early 20s).  Sometimes we drag that maturity, or lack of, through our later years because it is comfortable to do so.  Social issues are all about risk-taking without fear of rejection.  You are woman…hear you roar!

We take risks every moment we make a decision.  Negative risks do not help you or anyone else, other than you learn not to do that danged thing again. And maybe it takes a few times before you get it.  Like Me!

Oh, but the adventure of life!  How I crave adventure and will make decisions that will enhance my life.  Of course, I make negative decisions that have me risk a great deal.  I live for the positive!  How about you?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.2.21


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