Friday, September 17, 2021

Collecting Fall Medicines



This is what I know.  I know little but I share what I do.  Some medicines are used by some First Nations to communicate with the spirit world.  We believe that it opens a doorway for us to do so. We meditate and bless the medicine for the purpose we are going to use it for.  We pray for ourselves that we might be worthy, and we pray for others; people, places, things.   There are four sacred medicines that I know of, but I also include some Cree medicine and I was gifted with some Holy Wood.  But there are also some natural medicines that I can find, here, in British Columbia.  Do you know natural medicines from your area?

Tobacco, in its natural state, if possible, especially grandmother tobacco is one.  Grandmother tobacco is the actual plant that is dried.  A neighbor, here, always grew some for me when I discovered he was experimenting with growing it.  When he knew what I wanted it for, he always grew and dried some for me.  Tobacco activates other medicines.  When I was smoking, up in a far First Nations community, I was reminded not to ever have negative thoughts when I smoked because the smoke leaving my soul would send out negative energy.  That was a powerful lesson because we would go out for our smoke break, at work, and crab.  I stopped ever doing that.  I use it to calm myself now rather than use it when I am stewing about something.  Tobacco sits at the door of the east.  (At some point I will blog about the four directions gifts and how they are applied, at a very beginning level.)  It is burned first in ceremony.  It is also used in passing a gift to someone.  Especially elders and when asking a question or request.  It is handed over after a touch to one’s heart and always with the right hand.  To drop tobacco is very very negative.  Never drop tobacco.  It is truly sacred.  It is offered when picking other medicines, always.  I carry some pouch tobacco with me at all times.  Sometimes, you might pass a cigarette over as a gift to someone special who might touch you spiritually.  Never refuse to give a cigarette when asked.  So, it is an offering, and an opener, something that passes on the spirit in which it is given. 

Sweetgrass opens the southern door.  It is used when praying, smudging and purifying.  It is usually braided and dried.  It attracts positive energies.  Many know how to pick it as they have been gifted to know it.  I can smell it in its areas, but I have never picked sweetgrass since I left Saskatchewan.  I cannot find it even though I can smell it. 

Sage is another sacred medicine.  It is a cleansing medicine.  It is always used in ceremonies that I know of.  Sweetgrass sits at the south door to the spirit world.  Sage is used for cleansing, protecting and releasing.  I use it to release negative energy.  I use it to cleanse my home and sacred things.  There are different kinds of sages.  There is prairie sage, female sage and male sage and there is mountain and desert sage.  Female sage is used by women.  Female sage is more like fronds, is shorter and softer.  Male sage is stronger and the leaves thinner, and has a sharper smell when burned.  It is sharper.  Grandmother sage is the sage that has buds on it.  Sage opens the Western door. 

Cedar opens the Northern door.  It is a purifier and a restorer.  We use cedar in sweats and in our baths.  When cedar is burned with tobacco, it crackles and is a sign of intentions being accepted.  It is felt to be speaking to invite spirit in.  It is used in fasting, in, as I said, sweats, in piercing ceremonies, and is a great protector when we are open to spirit.  When we fast, we keep cedar around us, on the floors of our lodges, and at our doors for protection.  The Northern Door is the door of the elders, of Medicine people, and represents a time when we go back to Creator so is very very sacred. 

We never pay money (the gift of the white horse) for medicines.  Offerings are given, gifts are exchanged. But never pay for medicines you have not picked yourself.  There are protocols.  The moment medicines are picked incorrectly (for instance picking sage roots and all) or by someone who does not know the protocols, then the medicine is made useless for spiritual connections.  It smells nice and you might have correct intentions, but it is not strong medicine as it would be if all the protocols are kept. 

In my area, there are medicines for healing that I can pick, with protocols in place.  There are roots and shoots and bark and leaves in many plants that are used for medicine.  I will name a few in my area.  You will need to seek out medicines in your own areas.  You must collect before hard frost.  And, there are certain seasons to gather certain medicines.

Burdock is a liver detoxifier, full of nutrition, a natural insulin.  You should pick new plant leaves that came up this year, that can be used as tea or made into tinctures you can drop under your tongue.

Inner Cherry tree bark and/or Chokecherry bark is a great cough suppressant when made into tea.  It is support for one’s immune system. 

Dandelion roots, of course can be dried and ground to make tea.  It is bitter but it is great for stomach problems.  It is also a diuretic.  Some use it to aid in fighting cancer.  You can actually roast ground roots to make as a coffee.

Rose hips are a wonderful medicine to gather in fall.  They are rich in Vitamin C as well as beta carotene

Fall is a great time to have ginger and turmeric.  The roots can be harvested once the tops have died back.  Washing and drying allows the medicine in them to cure.  I always pick some, after giving offerings, so that I have some on hand to fight off a flu or cold.  They have many other medicinal purposes.  You can research more of all the medicines.

Remember, all these are medicines.  You must make sure they do not conflict with any other medicines that you might be taking.  People forget that these are medicines.  You should never take any vitamins, even, without blood tests to see if you need such.  When I was in an environmental testing (for lead levels in the town I grew up in) it showed that the reason I could not drink orange juice, or eat oranges, or take herbs with lot of vitamin C without begin sick, is because it showed that I utilized every bit of Vitamin C I took in naturally.  I was overdosing when taking red raspberry tea, for instance.  I got deathly ill from taking Raspberry tea and using mega-doses of Vitamin C as health food stores suggested.  I was poisoning myself.  I never ever take any supplements unless a blood test shows I need them.  I, for one, need extra iron and extra vitamin B12.  I take it naturally and have lately begun taking a dose suggested through looking at my blood tests results.  Be careful with anything they say is natural medicine.  Best to collect for yourself as much as possible.

It is good idea to start using natural medicines that you collect yourself.  Be sure you research the medicinal benefits and complications of anything you collect to take and what to take each for.  It is not a good idea to stop one prescribed and substituting, or adding to, to use your own gathered medicines.  Only gather what you need for you.  What is good medicine for one person may not be good for another. 

I hope you take an interest in collecting.  In how to sprinkle tobacco as you collect, and always thanking the plant and Creator for the gift of the medicine. 

Blessed Be.  I have shared only a bit of what I know.  You may know way more and any time you wish to post some new information on herbs and collecting, please do.  I know that a friend,  Laury Carter knows a great deal about natural medicines and makes a great deal as well.  She would be a great resource to anyone wondering how and what to collect and how to use it. 

©Carol Desjarlais 9.15.21


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