Sunday, September 5, 2021

Embrace Learning/Tilting At Windmills




“Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” – GD Anderson

I have seen a great deal of posts, re: “covid” and people not educating themselves about it.  Most of those who post such are looking at conspiracy theories and alternative ideologies rather than scientific expertise.  Most of the Conspiracy Theorist Experts want their fifteen minutes of fame, or infamy, through constant rebellion/ opposition/ attention-seeking.  Anti-maskers, anti-vaxers, anti-everything, you will most likely discover are always in a state of opposition for pretty much anything.  There seems to be little gray area where they are concerned.  As well, we know these people (these kinds of people), they are always causing drama of some kind and will support anything that goes against the norm.  They are difficult people.  You will read/hear them say, “Research!” and claim to do research, which they might be, but they have their own agendas and you cannot trust their opinions because their sources lack credibility. 

I love to do research.  I spend a great deal of time doing so.  I will be thinking about something and I step to my computer to find out more, but then I research the “expert(s) to see their credibility.  I simply cannot bear the “far out” opinions that simply lack the full truth.  For instance, re: covid, I research scientific and medical findings and choose to believe their opinion over armchair experts or antagonistic view points. 

I spent my whole career around the realm of psychology and norms and I have some of my own theories about such.  I continue to be a learner.  I will be a lifelong learner.  And, of course, I can narrow down my theme of interest by looking more into transformational behavioralist points of view.  I do not need to be right for anyone else but myself.  I have collected some wisdom in those years and placements.  After earning my Degree and then my fifth year specialization, and landed at my first posting, working frontline taught me more and my students and clients taught me even more deeply.  I have some ideologies about First Nations that come from experience and living with and amongst the people that gives me a little more credibility in my theories about restoration and restitution.  But I am not out marching and banner waving nor spouting off what I think to the masses.  I need no one to justify my knowledge and I expect that I may know more than someone who did not spend 23 years working in the culture and living within the cultures for those years. 

We are all experts on ourselves, nothing more. Life is too difficult to dream up other ways to tilt at windmills.  Never mind tilting at windmills: dreaming up windmills to tilt.  We all can prove a thesis we dream up.  Why dream up controversy, and all the whole, spout that all you want is peace?  Self-centered righteousness does not mean you are educated.  Why not educated yourself in things of love, of kindness, of compassion, of learning how to surrender, how to sort fact from fiction, etc?   

©Carol Desjarlais 9.4.21


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