Wednesday, September 15, 2021

And So It Is Fall And We Feel It




I feel dread as soon as the thermometer drops into Fall.  Winter is not far behind.  I do not like winter.  It is, with the first lonely caw of a crow, that it drops like a lead thought.  Nights are shorter, I feel a drain from all the summer work, I crave comfort food and nothing seems to comfort, and there seems a low level of depression setting in.  We really did not have a summer this year.  It was a smoke-laden gray sky for most of it.  It would have been so this year, except, while sitting outside on my swing, looking at the summer’s tattered leavings in my flower garden and little vegetable plot, when I suddenly heard and saw a chickadee  “Dee-deeing” right on a branch near me.  Thank goodness for that dear sweet little bird.

I know that Fall is a time of changes and a time of anxiety that can be felt right to the bones.  There is a sense of insecurity and a low level of serotonin begins so that the changes in Mother Nature can affect memory and worry that might span back ages and ages. I think part of it is the sense of “Loss”.

We do not like loss in any form and not being able to be outside as much means that we really need to dream up ways to make “inside” warm and cozy.  (Applicable to this is the “inner self” that needs sprucing up to be cozy, as well, as there is time for remembering and we choose whether to remember the positive or the negative.  It is way too easy to think negatively). 

For many, it is a time of lethargy and this really hits the Type A personalities that are go go go people and do do do people.  It is a time I have to change things up and get plans and products in place for a new hobby, or one you have been saving up to do.  We, in B.C., change the clocks back and forth and there will be the inevitable disruption to biological clocks.  It is hard to feel motivated. 

Fall cleaning begins and we know it is no fun to tidy up clutter from the seasons passed.  It is hard to summon up the energy for it.  Our melatonin is lower.  Just like a vehicle will decide to have “change of season” problems.  So do we. 

It is a great time to decorate and dust up and simply put one foot in front of the other, stop procrastinating and get to it.  Perhaps that chickadee is saying “do do do” and reminds us that they represent happiness, positivity and fortune.  I believe the chickadee to be a harbinger of spiritual messages. Truth and knowledge come, as we pause before the flurry of Fall Everything.   

How does Fall season affect you?  Are you a flurrier?  Are you the pause before you storm?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.14.21


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