Saturday, October 3, 2020

Eye Agates





I found some gorgeous EYE AGATES at Monte Lake with Coria Aquila.  We rummaged along the shore and walked through the snake grass and over railway tracks to get to a cliff that had recently had some tumble-down.  We found awesome agates everywhere we looked.  Agates are such a gentle beautiful stone. 


Agate Eyes influence at a low frequency, strong and yet gentle influence.    They help you ground your soul.  To hold them, to study them, is so intriguing.  There is so much to see in even the smallest of agate seeds. 

To gain a sense of safety, of being grounded, right to your bones, this is the stone energy to carry on you.  It stabilizes emotions and gives support when you need to speak your truths. It is a good stone to carry when in uncomfortable truth-telling situations. 

When carrying this stone, negativity is dispelled, and bravery and confidence reigns.  If you find yourself filling up with negative and painful or unsettling emotions, carry this stone.  Some can feel the gentle vibrations, some will sense the healing, but any of us could benefit from carrying this stone.  It is Earth Medicine.

If you are trying to break a habit, carrying this stone can help comfort you as you work towards eliminating it/them.  October is known as ‘Sober October’.  This is a good month for this stone to be used to give you strength and fortitude. 

If you feel overwhelmed, or dis-eased, this beautiful steady vibrating stone will help you.  It gives one a sense of grace, of serenity, of comfort, as it cleanses and balances you.  It helps regenerate you in all four quadrants of being alive an conscious in North America.  It emits a slow and steady energy that helps one endure tough things and tough times. 

I have a three-pound rock tumbler and am, over days and days, grinding in three different grits, and will be polishing the Eye Agates, and hoping the eyes do not end up vanishing, as can happen.  


The little plastic balls ( can be found in some ‘stuffie toys’, Helps to soften the blow during the hours and hours of tumbling.  


I tumbled these in two grits, so far, and one more grinding with a finer grit, then I can polish them.


I am so enjoying my rockhounding.  It gets me out in nature.  It is exercise.  It is food for my soul.  I ill post the end result of tumbling and then after adding the pendant caps so that they can be made into jewelry. 

If you can find your own Eye Agates, it is awesome, but, if ot, fining some place to obtain some would be a great stone for this month.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.3.20


  1. Great, amazing the number of varieties. Thank you.

    1. I have one more field trip for this year. I will be sharing a few more over a time. I have to decide what I am going to do with some of these beauties. You are so welcome and thank you for commenting.
