Sunday, October 11, 2020

To This: I Aspire




I know what I want to be when I grow up.  I want to be more spiritual.  I do not mean ‘religious’, for, as I have blogged before, Religion hurt my spirit more than anything else ever did. Once I went through the trauma of letting Religion go, I slowly became stronger spiritually.  It was all between me and my God, not through a ‘go between’.  I am sure it is confusing to see me blog about goddesses and figure out what my ‘religion’ might be.  You see, I follow The Good Red Road, a First Nations’ way of living a spiritual life every moment of every day.  It is living a life of taking care of Mother Earth and taking care of all on it.  It means living a life of service and learning, every day, to let go of Ego.  It means that my life is full of awe.  It means that I do not believe in a religious ‘heaven’, a religious ‘hell’, a ‘devil’, etc.  It means that I walk with my eye on the Creator.  It means that I have walked the Medicine Wheel to my last quadrant; Spiritual quadrant and, like all elderly, I am trying to live up to the gift of elder wisdom. 

I aspire to be a truly spiritual person.  The closest I get to this is during ceremony, during traditional work, and when I am ‘arting’.  


©Carol Desjarlais 11.10.20



***Taster Lesson with Ida Andersen Lang


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