Monday, October 26, 2020

Old Woman of the Moon




On October 31 we have our Hunter’s Full moon appear.  We have done our harvesting and now the hunters are hunting to stock up meat for the winter. The rhythm of seasons follows as dark follows sunshine and spring will follow winter and summer will follow spring.  We have had record-breaking cold hit early but we move into the Elderhood cycle of all things.   

We have lost the ancient rituals of rising at dawn and going to our beds at dusk.  The Moon rises each night whether we see it or not, and all of nature attunes to the changes of the moon. Those who still menstruate used to follow the rhythms of the moon.  The time of cleansing still happens even though we have lost some of the rhythms.  It used to be the time of The Red Tent and the gathering of women to honor the feminine and the teachings of the feminine; this we have lost as well.  We women, once, spent this time in contemplation, quiet, rest, and comradeship in the holy time when spirit is most energized by the Full Moon.  We wax and wane.  Elder women spent this time sharing the feminine with the younger women and spent time reflecting on their own waning. 

We live in the womb of creation.  Physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual feminine flow runs high.  It is not just a physical intense time, but an emotional intense time as well.  (Think PMS).  We, elderly women still have our bodies and emotions react to the fullness of the moon although we no longer cleanse as we once did.  Our intuition, our psyches, our compassion towards our sisters and daughters and mothers flow heavily.  We find ways to purify ourselves in different ways.  We know we are in the spiritual time of our lives, the closest to returning to Creator as we were pre-birth.  We now live in ta world that no longer tends to follow ancient rhythms, and it is a sad thing to have lost so much of it.  We are very much out of sync with Grandmother Moon.   

Although our souls are in tune with the waxing and waning of th moon, our lies tend to be at odds with it.  We are reaping the growth of seeds that were planted during Spring of our lives and many of us will suffer with the leftovers of our past that need cleansing.  This is the time to acknowledge, contemplate and let go of old habits, old negative ways of thinking about our pasts, and to clear out things that hold our spirit from blossoming fully into our own fullness.  There are rituals of releasing.  In the past I have blogged about such, but, if you have not set a ritual of releasing and recharging, perhaps do some internet searching to find a ritual that might make your life easier during this time.  I know that I am having nightmares, fairly often this week, and it is not usual for me to have nightmares.  All dreams are symbolic.  Mine have to do with themes of danger, of being vulnerable, and not holding my power.  I acknowledge these symbolic meanings and am working hard to reenergize my body, mind, heart and soul in order to carry on in more balance for this moon time of cycles before the next Full Moon.  Right now, all females are at their strongest and that can be negative or positive.  I am working hard to make mine positive.

Women and the Moon need to be back in sync.  As I work towards doing this, I find life is becoming easier to bear as my body, mind, heart and soul age. 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.26.20


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