Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Trickster



A trickster and a teacher at how to solve problems, the Fox, is a well-known figurehead in Native American lore.  Most of us know the story of the fox and the hare in Aesop Fables.  Fox tales have wisdom, in any culture, and teach lessons of quick thinking, adaptability, cunning, and usually humbling stories where a great lesson is taught. 

These lessons were long taught in oral traditions using the personality of the Fox to teach of tricky situations, increased awareness, seeing through deception and dream work.  If you start to find that the Fox is showing up in your life, in some way, know that you may be resisting something that might feel like an obstacle, but working through solutions, thought by thought, you can solve ways to get around the problem. 

Of course, many of the stories are about the wily Fox’s sneakiness and tricks, where trickery is involved.  We are reminded to watch out for deception being afoot.  It does not matter our age, we do get tricked, or there are those out to trick us into something.  Being hyper aware when you get a sense that something is not quite right, can bring you to a good lesson well learned through paying attention to your intuition. 

For those who sense that the Fox is one of their spirit guides, you will be able to tap into the ingenuity that Fox carries.  You may notice that you tend to resist new things, changes, challenges and may find you often are gotten the best of.  It takes a great sense of humor to carry Fox Medicine. 

You may find you are night person and that your creativity is spiked at night.  Sometimes you may be a continual Fox Medicine Person and sometimes you are a habitual Fox person in that you are one who wakes up in the night, stays up in the late night, to be creative and get things done. 

Often the Fox is seen as negative energy and the Fox has been given a bad name for sorcery, for being one to outwit others, for being sneaky, when, in reality, it bites to be outsmarted.  Usually the negative side of Fox is that he can create chaos.  When you find yourself doing such, stop, consider what it is you are trying to obtain or do, and what is in the way of you getting what you want, and remember, sometimes Fox Medicine can be negative. 

We all need the gift of observation, of solving problems, of being clever enough to solve our problems in creative ways.  To call on Fox is to ask for help when you have a tricky situation to deal with. 

I have always loved the Fox stories I was told as a child.  Simple lessons were taught through using his personality traits. 

©Carol Desjarlais 6.10.20


 ***With Tamara at Willowing, The Taster Lessons




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