Sunday, September 27, 2020

Risky Business




**Done With Toni Burk

I have always been a risk-taker; someone who jumps into an ice-cold mountain stream without a thought to depth and temperature.  I would wait on the banks long after everyone have tiptoed into the stream and suddenly, as if on impulse or push, I dove in.  No tiptoeing or timid little steps to acclimatize, just a quick sudden jump.  I have been like that my whole life.  As I age, sometimes the risk-taking sees me in good stead, sometimes not, but I have come to redefine risk-taking as I age.  Risk-taking is sometimes NOT risking.

Every decision we make affects us in every quadrant of the Medicine Wheel of our life; physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  Not only that, it affects the universe in that every move made sends out ripples into the ether; every thought we have changes the ethereal thoughts; every feeling we feel affects the heart of the world; every belief we have affects global belief in some way.  That is monumental!  It is a responsibility to do, think, feel and believe in better things, best things, good things t, loving things that ripple out into the ether.

I try hard to focus on these things, and fail miserably some times, but, sometimes… I am in a win-win situation and I cannot tell you how relieved…yes, relieved I feel when I do the best thing.  I try to be a truth=seeker and I do not mean a macro-truth, but a micro-truth – one that is my truth.   I am fully aware that even my very feelings/emotions affect the ether.  I am sure you have met someone who has you drowning in their sorrow.  I am sure we have all met those who simply send out bursts of positive energy.  We have met someone who emits calm.  My ‘bad hair day’ becomes everyone’s bad hair day.  It is there, in the ether, stirring, like a bad breeze, waiting for someone weak enough to cave.  We can defend ourselves, but for what reason?  Their truths are their truths and we have no need to defend ourselves when wronged, or misjudged, or being bullied, even.  We know our truths, God knows our truths, and it is of no one else’s business what my truth is.  Why stir up trouble when it is empowering to know your own truth when others might not have a clue?  The calm when there could have been an even bigger storm is to have risked letting others be wrong, or their ‘right’, without defense.

I risk to follow my heart, my soul, and I have to work hard at not following my Ego.  Ego is all about the wrong kinds of risks.  Soul is simply letting be what must be.  True risk-takers are those who hold high, the banner of authenticity and awareness.  Instead of jumping in the water, risking to stand on the shore, is good wisdom, I think, for me and others to follow.

©Carol Desjarlais 9.28.20



  1. Replies
    1. thank you. It is good for me to do the daily writing and keeps me thinking, for sure. Thank you so much for your comments.
