Thursday, September 3, 2020

Release and Purge




Grandmother Moon flows and ebbs into different named full moons.  She is a gift to Mother Earth.  All things on Mother Earth Ebb and Flow with her.  Each Full Moon is given a new name to connotate what healing can take place if you work on the healing she takes on each full moon.  I follow these moons and work on the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual work suggested.  I will share what I know and perhaps you will come to know your own knowing of each of these moons as they come.  The September Moon is known as The Corn Moon.  As Grandmother Moon withdraws her light, as the days go by, she draws up the waters for healing.   As she begins to grow again, she is like a beautiful big flower that unfurls night by night.  She models the way to cleanse ourselves, to p[urge and to take in knowledge and acceptance of things being as they should, and prepare to have things illuminated that need work.  Spiritual advancement is the end result and in that is healing that comes more easily as we let go of things that hold us back. 

We are all addicted to something; food, drugs, alcohol, relationships, tugging at our hair, picking at scabs, bouncing our knees, physical pain and lack of ability to control it, emotional pains, lack of gratitude, blaming…etc. … there is something we do with excess energy or lack of energy, to comfort ourselves.  If we have anything that needs working on, following the moon cycle is the way to work on those things.  We have patterns that repeat and repeat, negative patterns, in our lives, and if we do not heal those, they continue to follow us through our days and nights.  The things that haunt us at night (those nights of bad dreams, etc.) are good things to begin with.  Using the medicine of the month, given by Grandmother Moon, will help us.  We are not meant to suffer.  Yes, life down here is hard, and the only thing that makes it better is following a structured way of healing ourselves, day by day, night by might, week by week, and month by month. 

Burning the Stickman was one of my ways of using Moon Medicine, of purging.  It took me time to make and then let dry, the stickman.  All the days I worked on it, and waited for the right time to burn him, was a time of purging.  Our physical body builds up toxins, our mind gets filled with unnecessary thoughts, our hearts can weigh heavy or be in denial and it affects all areas of who we are as a whole person.  Our spirit (not religiosity) suffers with us not paying attention to it and setting it to the side as well get enmeshed in all the other areas of our life.  Here are some ways to prepare to change that as a new full moon prepares to come. 

Keep a calendar of some kind, at your desk, on your morning ablutions area, at your kitchen sink area, where you will see it each morning.  I keep a purse calendar and an open desk calendar at my desk where I head each morning for my morning coffee and blogging.  Keep track of the moon cycles in that journal or calendar.  Keep track ( in code, if you like to keep it private|) of things you wish to purge or things you are working on, for the month, letting go of.

Create a sacred area somewhere in your home.  It might be a simple bedside area, a quiet corner in your house, a space outside in your yard area (mine moves from bedroom dresser to outside as soon as weather allows and is brought back in come first frost.  You can place smudge or candles or whatever you intuit that you wish to be there. 

Release and purge at the beginning of each full moon.  Use stones that you choose intuitively.  Do some research and find the symbolic healing each stone can bring to you.  Carry a protection tone on your person and put on your altar.  Each symbolic thing you can do will remind you of your intention for the month.  Work diligently to heal what holds you back.  Be honest with yourself.  Be honest with others.  Know the healing that intentions and purging can do for you.  Keep it private as such work is sacred.  Bless yourself often.  Purge what is needed to be purged as soon as you become aware of it/them. 

Use the healing of Grandmother Moon, as you release and purge.  Go stand out under her blossomed brilliance.  Bathe in her glow.  Feel her soak into your skin, your mind, you heart and soul.  Feel her find your shadowed places and allow light to bring knowledge and healing.  She will bless you.  She has blessed women since First Woman. 

©Carol Desjarlais 9.3.20


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