Monday, September 14, 2020

Full Moon Water



“Blessed moon, lend your strength and courage to the water I make this night.  May it be filled with your everlasting love and healing power.  Blessed Be!”

 – Astarte uk

I certainly sense myself changing.  I am down 37 pounds since February, without trying.  I seem to be tying up loose ends in many areas of my life.  I am finding all sorts of ways to ease myself into older age.  One tool that I use is the medicine of Full Moon Water.  I am sharing this early, as Full Moon is October 1, 2020, in case any of you would like to try this.

We all know about Full Moons and the effect it has on everything of creation.  I use ways of making and collecting water that has been out under the shine of the full moon and I use that water throughout the month.

A childhood friend gave me a beautiful glass bowl that I have sitting out in an area where the full moon can shine on it during Grandmother Moon’s fullness. The water collects the energy of the full moon and it can be good medicine for us to have some on hand.

You do not have to have a bowl.  It can be an open glass jar, or small glass bowl that you can put on a window sill.  It is suggested you use blue glass, but you do not have to and you could use natural water (from a lake or a river) but, again, you can use tap water, or distilled water.  I collect the war in a glass mason jar after it has been powered up.

I, also add some crystals to my water to increase the energy.  A crystal is perfect, but you could also use a piece of quartz, hematite, rhodonite, and/ or chrysocolla.  I, also, put a bit of sea salt to add some protection to the water.  The water can be used in healing or blessing, even drank.  You can cleanse your home of negative energy, and even provide energy to your home.

Quartz has high resonance and helps with transitions when used in Full Moon water.  It also helps with spiritual awareness. 

Rhodonite helps us not self-destruct, emotionally.  It encourages self-love and self-forgiveness.

Turquoise is an awesome 'balancer' and is a spiritual balm to a hurting heart.  It can help calm and balance you during this full moon.

Hematite does the same and helps when the drama is without not within.  If you feel, or fear, judgment, hematite is a great stone to use for healing.  It clarifies thoughts and helps with fairness.

Chrysocolla is used for emotional support.  This month promises a great deal of chaos of many kinds.  I am sure I will need it.  Sometimes we need extra courage to be able to keep hold of our dignity and grace. 

I challenge you to try to collect some Full Moon water this coming full moon.


©Carol Desjarlais 9.14.20



  1. Thank you Carol. I will do this and use a blue glass. <3

    1. Awesome. Once you do it once, you will be hooked. I cleanse my crystals and other stones during full moon as well. I am glad you felt inspired to do it. xo
