Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Woman With Geese (With Toni Burk)




I sense such a great deal of loss as I heard the geese gathering.  It is almost grief. 

I have loved being told that when they VEE, and the point goose gets tired, another moves up to take its place and it goes to the back of the line where the two final geese of the VEE let it move in to rest and keep it going and they move on up the line.  And, that the geese honking is cheering everyone on.  Sometimes we need to step back and let others lead while you get respite.  Geese can teach us many things. 

Respite can keep you going when you think you cannot.  Cheerleaders help too.  Things that ‘get to you’ will not be as important when you get rest, as well.  You will be able to see the beauty in your life, rather than the stress.  Geese teach us to stay healthy so we can stay focused.  As well, geese rise up into the sky for thousands of kilometers distance, thus, it is said they fly closer to Creator and see things with a different perspective.  It is said it is a spiritual perspective and that is something we forget to take note of so often as our busyness keeps us from seeing the spiritual in people, places and things.

Of course, geese gather and fly south with such stamina and willingness to accept, perhaps even create, change.  They leave, knowing they will return so it is not a true goodbye, it is a “God be with this place until I return.”  It leaves the ground with a willingness to protect their environment until they return, as well.  Sometimes we protect the wrong things for a wrong length of time.  Sometimes we have to let people, places and things be on their own for a time. 

Goose symbolism teaches us to remember where we came from.  It reminds us to remember our roots and to be grateful for those who held ground for us.  To remember, and be grateful for, those who were there from our beginnings.  Loyalty and bravery all at once is a lesson to work on this season.

They remind us to take care of the fallen, the injured, those who need our valor, our devotion, our loyalty.  We cannot do it all alone nor were we meant to, any more than a lone goose will go it all alone.  We may have forgotten the importance of such in our lives in this fast-paced world we live in.  We often have a two-year-old’s “do it myself!” attitude.

We are great navigators right now, since it is fall and the migration of birds is happening.  Sometimes we need to make sure we are going in the right direction and not circling around the lake of our life around and around and not really getting anywhere.  Sometimes we lose our sense and gratitude for intuition that will take us back home when we need to be there. 

Right now, you will feel extremely defensive of Self and people, places and things. We have to remember, no one is going to fly for us.  We still need to take care of self so we have the energy, now, after spending so much of it in harvesting and preparing for the long winter months.  And, yes, sometimes we need a great deal of determination to get up, get prepared, and get enough rest to follow the same walk tomorrow.  

Sometimes we do too much, we work too hard, we are dogged in our determination to get things done.  But I have found that the faster I get things done, the more things I can think up to do.  Rest!  Rest, sisterfriends, some things can get done when you have restored your energy.  Not to self:  Rest.

We are not meant to live small lives.  We are meant to fly.  Geese reminds us that there will always be another big job to do, another storm to fly through, another day of seeking what it is we truly need.  Sometimes we need to check that our inner map is working with intuition rather than danged determination and the need to be right.  We can go way off course and may never get back to where it was we were meant to be, for a long time.  There is enough of life taking pot shots at us, like hunters, picking off stragglers or when we walk into the line of fire.  Be genuine and have it noticed that you are genuine and that others might watch you to get an idea of where they would like to go.  Be trustworthy enough that others will let you lead, betimes, and trust that you know where you are going.  Trust of self is adamant, if you do not trust yourself how can you ever lead? 

Prepare to meet crossroads in your life, as well.  Be so prepared for what ifs that you know which road to take.  Sometimes we need someone to follow.  Sometimes we have to know ourselves so well that we know our own road.  Sometimes we need to trust that our intuition and something higher than our Ego helps enlighten us as to which path to take.  Accept that where you are, no matter how tough it is, might be exactly where you are supposed to be to get to where you are going. 

Gather and fly on, sisterfriends.  We got this!

©Carol Desjarlais 9.22.20


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