Friday, September 18, 2020

The Day Outside of Time



I went to a Mystic Fair last Friday.  I wanted to check out their books, their tools, and was looking for a new wand since mine was finished its work and broke (I know not how, but found it broken, which usually means, it is finished).  I found a Selenite one, not crystal, but called to me.  I know have the ones I made of wood, the broken one, a metal one, and my new one.  I will charge it in the full moon at the beginning of October. Am I a Hogwart fan?  Am I a witch?  Am I just strangely being strangely me?  Why and how do I have such? 


When I was in University, 1984 – 1987, I became introduced to alternative tools and ways of healing and health.  I was in huge chaos (7 children and a divorce and a mature student, need I say more?).  I learned self-healing techniques, and since I am one who is a lone wolf who crawls out into the forest, alone, to heal.  I needed strength, courage, and healing, bigtime.  I learned about healing stones and I learned about selenite. 

Selenite is known as liquid light that is a powerful tool for knowledge and healing, for energizing other stones, and is strongly feminine energy that is admitted.  It is an easy stone to use to strengthen your spirit and to cleanse your inner self.  I keep one with me, close to me, at all times to ward off negativity.  If I have not carried it, I run into persons, places and/or things that unbalance me. It has gentle influence and must be treated gently.  I have two large slabs of selenite I found when rockhounding in Arizona.  Imagine the large shape it came from.  My attraction to Selenite is strong because it is not easily found in the High Desert.


There are many things I am naturally, intuitively drawn too, and selenite is just one of many.  Perhaps it has to do with my birth date that I never attached to more common ways of spirituality and am drawn to natural ways and customs, traditions and ceremonies. 

I was born on July 25, and according to the Mayan calendar, it is a ‘non-day’; the ‘day after’ and the ‘day before’ Mayan New Year.  (Like February 29 every four years... an extra day.)  It is an important date in their ancient calendar.  They call it “A Day Out of Time”!  They counted time by Lunar time of 13 Moons.  It is a very spiritual date, a day of great energy, and a time when Light Beings harmonize and, spiritually, ‘tune up’ balance on Mother earth and all its inhabitants.  It is a time that they got rid of past year’s things that no longer served them with forgiveness and gratitude for a new beginning the following day.  To be born at this date can have us very in tune to energies, both positive and negative.  It means that one born on this date is in tune to the changes in energy, and may lead us to being misunderstood for our sensitivity to spiritual and emotional realms.  I can attest that my birth date has always had some auspicious, some change, some import in one of the realms of the Medicine Wheel. 

So, although I am late in knowing this about myself, I see evidence of it in my life.  I am wont to do rituals, ceremonies, to be more thoughtful and moving towards being more spiritual.  Sometimes, I do not understand why or how or what I do, but it happens as if by intuition.  And, that is probably just it:  I am connected to old ways by energies that I have not known and only sometimes acknowledged.  It is  a very integral part of who I am and so you will see me follow some of the ‘old’ ways and ‘ancient’ gathering that I do.  I cannot explain it in common ways.  It just that I am who I am, and I have learned more than I studied, and I am drawn to old cultures and old ways of being.  It does not make me special.  It has me being different.  Those of you who find yourself drawn to such things might do some research, deep research, into the why we are what we are, who we are, how we are.

©Carol Desjarlais 9.18.20

***Painting done following  with Toni Burt



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