Friday, September 4, 2020

Corn Moon Water Blessings




As we Purge and Release, we are gifted with Grandmother Moon’s Healings.  All we need to do is quietly stand in her light and your very intentions will be blessed by her.  There is nothing like standing out and gazing at her.  The waters of Mother Earth and affected by her ebb and flow, as we are.  This is the month to use water for blessing ourselves.  Water, this month, more so than any other, is her Medicine.

Those who do rituals/ceremonies, from different areas, different countries, will have different ways.  It is not that you follow a set way.  It is that you are sending out intentions.  You are stirring the ether with your soul.  I drum some full moons.  I smudge, always.  I have been taught ways to do so and I follow those teachings.  But, you do not need to be taught.  You can begin your own ways to honor Grandmother Moon each month.  Each full moon, it is good to ask for cleansing, as the Moon cleanses.  For many, in many cultures, women are not just the fire keepers, they are the water keepers and it is said that how we honor Grandmother Moon and her healing through waters is how Mother Earth receives healing waters as well.  For some cultures, it is women’s responsibility. 

One thing that I do is put out a container of water so the full moon can shine down on it and then I use it as medicine throughout the month with whatever I am working on that month.  It keeps me grounded.  It keeps me working, spiritually.  It is my offering the following full moon. 

Is it time for you to start your own rituals, ceremonies?  From the beginning of time women have healed and been healed.  We have always had rituals.  Do we have some now?  Is it time to purge and heal in ceremonial ways?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.4.20


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