Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Quieten The Mind

We all have a reactive mind.  It is that voice that chatters every moment you are awake.  It is okay to have negative thoughts and the important thing is to know that that is not who you are at your very core.  Yes, it is a part of you but those thoughts are fleeting.  Those thoughts can swirl within you and acknowledging them and letting them go is how you quiet them.  

It is said that we have up to fifty thousand plus thoughts a day (40 thoughts a minute) and those thoughts are the ones you are conscious of.  There are unconscious thoughts.
It pays to take note of your thoughts.  I know, somehow, I learned to control those negative thoughts.  In part, my thoughts are mostly list making.  My doctor said that that is a sign of OCD and I agree with him.  I am not wont to change that.  It is when I get my ‘lists’ done that there is space for the negative thoughts and those usually come at night when everything is still around me.  I learned not to let them generate.  I simply force the thoughts to something else, usually something I am grateful for or something spiritual.  I am a wolf spirit and I often turn my negative thoughts into traditional/cultural thoughts of the wolf and all its symbolic meanings.   

Sometimes my thoughts can wear me out.  No matter what I am doing, my thoughts are roaming around like a lost sheep or a cow caught on the wrong side of the fence.  They can go a hundred miles a minute and my body reacts to that.  I wills top doing whatever I am doing and give my thoughts some thought.  

Validating that the thought is there, reasoning with it/them helps to dissipate them.  It is, when lost in some painting I am doing helps me get lost in creative space.  That is the moments I find peace from that chattering mind of mine.

How do you quiet your mind?

©Carol Desjarlais 6.30.20

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