Saturday, July 11, 2020

Generational Differences

Since we are a world that likes to label things, we have labeled different generations.  I was not sure about the labeling and the why of it all, so I decided to research it a bit to see if I could get a handle on it.

  - 1924   the GI Generation for those who lived through the Great Depression and fought in WWII. They knew difficulties and sacrifices.  They knew deprivation and the culture effectives were evident.

1925 – 1942  The Silent Generation so named because they are the generation who became more cautious because of their parents desperations and began to question governments through beat poetry, rock music, journalists and began quietly satiring life through satirical cartooning.  They were not radical in speech and band standing, but found other ways to express their dissatisfaction in other ways.  They were not a generation to talk about societal problems, but, again, found other ways.  Youth began to take the forefront of expressions of rebellion against Victorian thought and actions that were of their parents.  

1946 – 1964 or 1943 – 1964 – The Baby Boomers boomed in population post-war burst.  We, yes, I am a boomer, were the rebellious ones who rebelled against culture, government, through lifestyles and began new cultural norms.  We tend to be privileged, and moreso than other earlier generations.  We tend to have raised privileged children as we moved into free love and freedom being the chant.  We felt free to be whatever we felt free to be.  We, the privileged, tend, still, to be the springboard of rebellion in every area of our lives.  We bespoke Peace and Freedom, but it was mainly focused on rebellion against any of the norms before us.  We created social and cultural norms that morphed into different attitudes and, sometimes, drug-induced focus on our freedoms, and, as sometimes happens, there are some negative cling-ons that still reside in our todays.  There became break-offs and not all of them were positive.  They had little experience with sacrifices and traumas or deprivations.  They tended to be less socially aware.  They were more ‘feelings’ oriented.  They delved more into conspiracy theories.  Facts were not as important as finding theories that fit their own beliefs.  

1965 – 1979  Generation X accelerated all that came before.    They made more money, they accrued more debt than ever before, and expected to get a new vehicle for graduating, and expected to have a new house to move into when married.  They were/are status – driven and collector of toys and conspicuous consumerism. 
They tended to be latch-key children and videos and MTV drove their interests and still does.  They became brand conscious.  As they age, they are more apt to care for their elderly, more apt to be diligent in paying back student loans, and get lost between two great ages.  

1980 – 1994  Millennials.  They are the group that gets the most flack.  They are less socially conscious in that smartphones are their main consideration.  They are demanding even when their demands are not feasible.  They are media-oriented (Netflix) and are loaded with personal debts.  They are online shoppers but less Brand oriented.  They tend to not be financially stable.  They prefer access over ownership.  They are more educated than other previous generations.  They made more money than any previous generation.  Less married, fewer wanted children, and many stayed living with their parents longer than any generation.   They tended to be more privileged and expect/expected such.  This is the generation of racial and ethnical diversity and white privilege becomes an issue. They want more than they earn.  They feel more deserving and are less likely to earn it.    Their personal debt is massive. 

1995 - 2015  Gen X.  Heavy users of digital mobile information and tools.  They are less socially active/interactive in person.    They tend to avoid debt.  They are more globally aware because of the internet use.  They look for financial aid rather than go into debt.  They are not career oriented.  

2019 -   Gen Z.  This is very much a diverse racial human.   This is a generation that has more global awareness and more privilege. They are less educated than the previous generation.  They tend to be entrepreneurial.  They are more racially conscious and racially minded.  They are the generation that has truly walked away from religion and do not define themselves as religious.  They are raised, and accepting, of many different kinds of family.  They are far from romantic.  They are fretters.  They are less likely to use drugs and alcohol as pacifiers but are more concerned about the legal use of marijuana as they do not see it as a drug.  They want everything personalized for them, and expect such.  They are either very critical or overly romantic.  

So, why????  Every generation has its distinct attitudes, motivations, and life events and their reaction to such.  The WHY of labeling is evidently that the labels are used for targeting by markets and politicians.  This is all information I gleaned through research and in the end, it is all about big business.  Marketers and politicians know their targets and generational trends are the key.  Most all of us are aware of how our world, our country, our territory, our communities, and our family lives are defined and see the commonalities and differences.  Is it important to sigh and say, “Oh they are just _____s!”    or tsk and say, “Such are _____s!” ?

 We are what our cultures defines us as.  Right now, we are all, every generation, awakening to needing to change our racial stereotyping, both negative and romanticized.  What will the next generation be known for and how will they be targeted?

©Carol Desjarlais 7.11.20

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