Thursday, July 9, 2020

Unn and Staying Conscious

Once upon a time, the King and Queen of Nose/Germanic Northern Sea realms had nine daughters.  Each of the daughters signified a part of their Northern Sea.  Unn is the eighth daughter and one of the Wave daughters and representing River waves, as in the River Odin.  Her kind of waves were the frothy waves that are light blue.  She was often depicted with any seabird.  She represents the river waves that are tugged and pushed by the moon’s gravitational tidal movements.  She is said to be in charge of our memories of other lifetimes; you know, that sense of deja vue, where you are sure you have done such before or been somewhere before times.  We can feel her pull when we are around rivers, and is most felt during full moon.    She is represented, on one’s altar, as light blue sea glass or sea floats.  Abalone shells is also something to put on your altar.  She is much celebrated in the seaside shores and inlets of rivers coming from the ocean into the land.  She also has connections to counting things, and mathematical problems to be solved.

The Icelandic goddess, Unn, is celebrated, on July 9th, as the Day of the Wise Person.  She is said to have emigrated to Scotland to try to get out of the way of a bad King, then she married a self-professed King of Dublin.  Eventually, after much war and chaos, she moved back to Iceland.  

She was very wise in ways of war, was highly respected, and, for the time, for a woman, she was a leader of great respect.  She captained the ship of her men and of Viking prisoners called “bondsmen”.  Each man was given their freedom for helping her sail across from Britain back to Iceland.  She freed all the prisoners, once there, and gave them each land to set up permanent farms.  My paternal ancestry is Iceland and my line, in Norway, were freemen, so this interests me.  

Unn can show up in your day or night by having you forget slots of time by getting lost in driving, or art, or reading a good book.  Perhaps this is a reminder to be more aware of time and the rhythms of time.  It is a signal that your mind wishes to think deeper thoughts and it is a good idea to be Present enough to notice passage of time.  Do not let your mind slip away to follow its own direction.  It is best for you to stay conscious, especially being female in North America.  It is so easy to get lost in thought, but try to stay aware of where your thoughts take you, what they are about, and take note of the thoughts you are guided to think.  This does not mean negative thoughts – they are easy to get lost in.  It means to consciously follow your train of thoughts, that flow and ebb like a river being moved by the lunar changes.   

Know them.  Count them.  Pick up themes.

©Carol Desjarlais 7.9.20

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