Friday, July 10, 2020

The Goddess Hel and our Half and Half Life

Hel is a Norse/Anglo goddess of the underworld. Her name means “one that hides”. She is said to be half dead/half alive and is keeper of the souls of the departed by way of sea or battle.  Unlike Christian mentality, she cares for these souls whether they have been goodly saints or evil sinners.  Although half of her is monstrous, the other is beautiful.  We see the Harlequin masks as inspired by her appearance.

The name of Holland, Helsinki and Holstein come from places named in her honor. As well, when we say, “Go to Hell”, we are not, perhaps, aware that this phrase came prior to Christianity.   The Vikings were dead afraid of her and the very look of her.  The Gaels, Dutch and Germanic people see her in a kinder empathetic way.  Someone has to be in charge of departed souls, after all.  Part of this fear is that she could always see truth and could burn you with her stare.  The place of her realm is an icy cold place, not a fire and brimstone one.  

Her colors are typically black and white, but I chose to show her more appealing with elements of air and earth colors.  Most of the celebrations for her are more like our Halloween in theme.  

While she is compassionate to the departed souls, she does represent trauma, difficulties, pain and this is represented by the blood red rose petals strewn about and the black candles (four), placed on altars.  

Dinners, for this day of celebration, is venison stew and crusty bread.  It is meager fare, but reminds us that not all things are beautiful and tasty and happy.  It is a day of sacrifice for her, that she will be kind to ones’ soul when one finds themselves there where she gathers souls to care for them.

Her half and half being is a reminder that we all have a shadow/dark side.  We are cautioned to maintain balance no matter what life down here on earth offers us.  This is very applicable in today’s world.  We can focus on only the negative or we can balance all the negativity in the world with our compassion and care of self and others. 
You can see some of my belief system coming through in this portrait.  The antler/earth projection represents that we need to cast off/shed things in life, even if they were something of pride and beauty to us.  I humanize her, as well, for, surely, there will be compassion and care for our energy/soul when it seeks its origin.  

I work, all the time, on my shadow side.  It does not show itself often, but when it does, it is expressed through anger since it is the easiest emotion to show.  I am also defensive... and really do not do well with criticism or judgements.  I really work on this one and was called to act on such early this spring.  I am grateful I found a way not to defend myself against untruths.  I simply let it go.  It was one of the hardest things to do because the other person was so far off base and absolutely was not my truths... only hers.  And, there is a calm left in a space where guilt would have resided if I had defended myself.  It was a good lesson, difficult to learn, but so rewarding.

How do you deal with your shadow side?  You may run into such today.  Be prepared.

©Carol Desjarlais 7.10.20

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