Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Being Better/Best

“It is not about being the best, it is about being better than you were yesterday.” - unknown

Most artists will tell you they are driven to do better art every new day.  We want to be authentic in our expression of what is in our heads, in our hearts, in our soul.  Many of us recognize we need to change ourselves, to be better, to be more enough.  I find, as I age, I become more focused on making sure each day is worthwhile keeping me here.  I have a few personal inner commandments:

In reality, support and love and care and compassion, and all the things our soul craves, is conditional.  Always.  We cannot expect anyone to cheer us on when we are doing soulwork.  It is deeply personal and deeply isolated work, deeply private and deeply intimate.  Do not do what others think you should, could, would do.  Do what your soul dictates.  Yes, you can seek guidance from personal research and examples you may see along your path, but, still, keep it private and love and support yourself, first. 
Know who you are, by staying present and aware of how you put yourself ‘out there’.  Do not try to be more perfect than you are, of course.  By simply being “YOU”, you inspire pothers.  By being someone you are not, saps hope and inspiration from others who you have convinced you are better than they in some way.  The fall from a pedestal is great.  

Taking every day as a new beginning is imperative.  Let the night wash away your angst and cleanse your body, mind, heart and soul.  Wake up with a new point of view of questioning everything you are present enough to notice.  Challenge yourself every morning.

I have been using The Enchanted Tarot to set off my morning thoughts.  My Taro cards sit on a shelf above my screen and I draw one card and work on that one thing all day.  

So, today, coinciding with the Full Moon, means that emotions will run high… compassionate, loving emotions.  Expression of that love will be inspired in you.  So, I challenge myself to discover how many kinds of love I will bump in to and how I will radiate these different kinds of loves.  This will help me focus on my today and I will journal my findings.  As well, my art for today will be about love of some kind.  I will purposefully work on the THEME and see what is lovingly important to me.  Refuse Ego’s nagging voice that will try to stagnate your idea that I am a loving human being.  Seek evidence of that which is love within.  That is a great challenge for right now.  To do this card pulling is to set myself a challenge.  Let us see where that takes me.

What do you do, during this off time of isolation and a new way of being at home, being curtailed, to inspire yourself, daily?  What drives you to do better, to be your best for the day?

©Carol Desjarlais 7.7.20

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