Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Angels Amongst Us?

First off, I do not believe in ghosts as defined, but I do believe in spirits, good spirits.  I believe in signs from elsewhere.  I believe that there are guardian angels ( not with wings and things, but they look like wings but are the pull of light through one realm to another.  I believe in some being born with an old spirit.  I do know there are some things that cannot be explained.  I, also, believe in types of guardian angels.  

Sometimes we may have hair stick out at the back of our neck and it seems to be just an anomaly but it is definitely a sensation that can be uncomfortable at times.  I was once taught to know “watchers” , the Medicine Man and head of Native Studies at the University of Lethbridge, who said I needed to really recognize such.  He had taken a special interest in me and what I was driven to develop for Educational thematic Curriculum that I would use to retrieve troubled native youth in troubled native communities.  He was an amazing teacher and I became his willing student to be sure.  He said that I would be challenged as I moved in to do good things with Native Education and that it would not always be people.  One morning, I took my kids to the U of L daycare.  It was just coming dawn and I had an early class.  I parked and took my kids in but when I parked, there was only one other vehicle, a truck, in the parking area.  I felt uncomfortable, but got back in the vehicle, after dropping the kids off, and drove down to my usual parking area closer to the doors that led to the tunnel.  

 Because I was feeling something uncomfortable, I decided NOT to walk through the tunnel down to the atrium.  I walked the long way down inside the levels of the University. Each floor I walked; I would see that man.  It gave me the heebie jeebies.    I went into the to cafeteria, got my coffee, and went to sit at our usual spot close to the exit areas of the cafeteria.  When I went to sit at our usual gathering area, there was a guy sitting there.  He was wearing a feather down coat, looked like a worker in work boots and definitely did not fit in to the usual student characterization.  He was rough looking and hair stood up on the back of my neck as I sat down in the same area.  I had ben told, by the Medicine Man, that when you get the sensation of a “watcher” nearby, to never ever look them in the eyes.  I did not feel comfortable sitting with my back to him, but I was eerily aware of him staring at me constantly.  I waited for the rest of my usual morning group to come and a constant prickling sense overtook me and I got up and moved.  When I finished my coffee, and no one else, but him, were there, I decided to go up to the computer lab and work on my computer presentation that I was struggling with.  I found an open computer station and sat down to work.  A few others came in and I was just getting in to an intent part of making a windmill that moved, using coding, so I did not pay attention to them.  Suddenly someone spoke, “go see Professor ______”.  I turned and said, aloud, “What?”  A Native student near me, looked at me in surprise, and suspicion, and said, “What?  I didn’t say anything!”  It was weird but I had to get that danged assignment done.  I kept working but a voice in my head got louder and louder, “Go see Professor ____” (the Medicine Man who was the head of Native American Studies).   I tried to talk myself out of it.  I could not.  It go more adamant.  I finally gave in to what I thought was me being overly dramatic, and went up to Professor ___’s Offices.  I thought he might not be there that early, but there he was.  I entered his door with a kick knock, and he said, “I have been waiting for you.  You recognized him.”  I had to sit down; I was so blown away.  There is more to the story, but Professor ___ had taught me to know watchers and I had.  I had been taught to be aware of sensations that were warning me or that would lead me to follow my intuitions.

Another lesson I was taught, in this way, was about Deja Vue, that sense that comes over you that you have done this thing, seen this thing, before.  I was taught that this feeling was a way the ancestors let us know we are on the right track/path/making a right choice.  We are all the answer to an ancestor’s(s) prayers”.  We have a purpose we cannot know but will be given signals for.  

Another time, I was driving down a lonely side highway towards home.  I had been to the city and I had just the three older kids in the backseat of the car.  We had driven two hours on the main highway and this side highway was a shortcut to home.  Suddenly a sort of thought came into my head, it said, “Stop the car and tell the kids you love them!”  I tried to ignore it, it got louder.  Stop the car and tell your kids you love them!”, and finally, “STOP THE CAR AND TELL THE KIDS YOU LOVE THEM!”  I could no longer ignore it.  I pulled over and stopped and turned to each child and looked them directly in the eye and said, I LOVE YOU!”  No explanation, just intently told each one of them.  I started up the car and headed on.  I was waiting for a reason for why I had been demanded to tell them that.  Was there going to be an accident?  Was something horrible going to happen to us?  Nothing happened.  I could have ignored the incident to me being dramatic or something, but I knew better, some how.  I learned not to question those kinds of signals.  Some times we receive messages, out of the blue, and we might wonder where those come from.  It will be personal and meaningful to you.  Is this a message from a guardian angel; some kind of direction or guidance?  

When the love of my whole life was diagnosed and then died in 5 weeks from the fist sign of cancer of the liver, he and I were doing some of our last conversations.  He did not believe in God nor heaven nor anything of the sort, but I said to him, Richard, if there is another place, send me feathers in weird places.  I have found feathers fall from an open sky on to my should.  I have had feathers blow into the vehicles open window when I was driving.  I have had feathers show up where no bird of that kind of feather would be.  Coincidence or a sign?

Some people have a significance with a coin.  They, too, find coins in different places at different times.  Perhaps it is a rainbow that is somehow significant to you and is meant to affirm you, to help you know you are being comforted, that you should have faith in such. For some, there are symbols in the clouds.  Some see and receive images and messages in tea leaves.  Some get flashes of light, see shimmers, see orbs and know these as signs or symbols of something beyond present day life.  The smell of peonies, the sight of peonies, immediate signal a moment with my mother who grew magnificent peonies and they were her favorite flower.  A random moment in some environment can signal a connection to a memory of a person, place or thing.  How do you explain such things?

I have an absolute personal knowledge that we are not alone and even spooky stuff is the stuff of signs and symbols from another place, a good and beautiful place.  I am not talking about negative senses of things, but something beautiful and peaceful.  So how DO you explain these things?

©Carol Desjarlais 7.2.20

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